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April stood just outside the door as other kids around her flooded into the classroom without hesitation. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked down at her timetable to confirm for the 5th time that this was the right room. The second bell sung into the air and April took a deep breath before entering the classroom.

She place her foot through the doorway and lowered her head directly to the ground reverting her eyes from the teacher at all costs. But it was no use.

"Ah! April, is that you?" She heard mr. Clarke holler from behind her. A few kids in the class snickered.
April stopped dead in her tracks and plastered the fakest smile on her face.

"Yup! That's me."
"Great! Come over here and face the class."

Hesitantly, April stalled to the right side of her new teacher's desk and awkwardly smiled at all the curious eyes. She hated being on the spotlight...

"Class! I kindly ask you to welcome our newest member on our curiosity voyage. Please welcome April Holland!"

The class was obviously silent except for a few snickers here and there. Suddenly someone from the back of the class stood up from their seat.

"Welcome Tommy Holland, to our curiosity voyage. May you have a very merry and gay," -he winked and I looked away-"stay." The kid took a bow and the whole class riled up in laughter and claps.

April turned toward Her teacher, who looked quite confused, clenching her teeth. "So, where's my seat?"

Mr. Clarke offered her a kind smile and pointed toward the last desk in the second row. "Right there beside Will Byers."

April lifted her head to find herself looking back into the eyes of the boy who had grabbed her wrist earlier. Their eyes locked for a second too long before she looked away and carried herself and her backpack toward the spot, took a seat in the rickety chair and stared back up at the teacher. But Will's curious stare still burned through her peripheral vision.

"Alright class, as always after a break, I want you to turn to the person beside you and just have a little conversation about what you did over the break. Then, I want you to write a journal entree based on everything you learned about them. This way, I can ensure that you are doing what you're supposed to do." He paused for serious effect. "Because if you don't, you won't be able to make he write up. You may start."

The class around April exploded with chatter and everyone seemed to be talking except for her and Will. April could feel his gaze but she simply stared straight ahead. Eventually, she heard a scoff from beside her. She turned her head toward the boy, unconcerned.

"Yes?" The boy already had his pencil out along with a notebook.
"We... should probably start."
April leaned back in her chair sighing in annoyance. "Fine. You go first."
Will took a breath in preparing to talk but before this, the bully from earlier slammed his fists on the desk making both of them jump. This was followed by a rumble of laughter.

"What a coincidence! The whole freak show in a row!" He shouted with confidence. "Along with their newest recruit." He playfully poked Aprils cheek and she sighed and turned away. April watched as he stood back taking in the view.

"Ah yes. We've got Toothless, Midnight, Frogface, Zombie Boy and of course our newest little boy... Tommy."
"By gosh, do you really have to add another girl into the little fantasy group you've developed in your head? Lay it off Troy!" Frogface said.
'So his name is Troy...' she thought.
Troy just let out an amused laugh. "As if. It's fun. That's why I do it. Stop telling me to stop, it's annoying." He stood back up straight and began to walk away. "I'll see you freaks later." He slapped the back of Frogface's head as he walked away and as if on cue, the whole line of kids seemed to release a sigh of relief.

They were quiet for a little bit before she saw Will turn and talk silently to the rest of the boys in the row. April couldn't hear what they were saying but she saw a small, hesitant nod on the two boys who had been called "Toothless" and "Midnight". Frogface thought about it for a second and then nodded quietly. Will turned back to me with the widest smile on his face surprising me a little bit.
"Join us at lunch?" He questioned cheerfully. April shifted her eyes up to the rest of the boys and caught them all staring for a little bit before going back to talking amongst themselves. She thought for a moment and looked back at Will who's welcoming smile still held its ground.

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