Lanas Office

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Lanas POV
"So how was your new student" I ask the tall redhead as the both of us make our way across the courtyard. "She's remarkable, she's way ahead of everyone else in her class, she fits in with my homeroom perfectly" she informs me with a smile. Just then I catch glimpse of the athletic blonde packing away some equipment, hauling the heavy bags back to their rightful places. Immediately, the woman notices me and starts to pace across the concrete in my direction. "Hey Lana. See, I can call you Lana now, because technically it's not school hours" she states proudly. "Do you have something you would like to say Miss Morrison" I question giving her a look. "You know you can call me Jen right? It's not like you don't know my name, you used to scream it all the time remember " the blonde laughs raising an eyebrow. Suddenly, Rebecca's eyes widened and my face became a shade of red as she spoke. "Oh my god shut up" I say hitting her arm. "Do you actually have anything you wanted to say or did you just come over here to embarrass me?".
"No I actually just wanted to ask you for permission to enter the soccer team into the state tournament this year" she enlightens still laughing at her previous comment. "I'll have to go consider it and send you an email" i tell her. "Alright well consider it and ill see you later" she winks before jogging back to her previous position. "Well she's..."
"A child" I finish rubbing my forehead. "Scream her name huh? Must've been some exciting teacher training course" she jokes. "Shut up" i giggle. "We used to date, that's all. It was a long time ago, but we're on good terms" I tell her.

  "Oh I didn't realise she was your type" Rebecca laughs nervously. "Yeah guess it's never really come up. You don't have a problem with it do you?" I reply as the both of us reach the car park. "Well I'd tell you to ask my girlfriend, but she's back in England, and it's probably the middle of the night over there" she simply relies before getting into her car. Before I got a chance to answer, the Brit had briskly started her engine and sped out of the car park leaving my completely shocked. I had no idea she was into girls, the subject had never come up admittedly but i was still surprised at this new information.

As the next day approached, I started my daily routine just like I did every morning. As much as I hate to admit it, I was definitely a creature of habit, I liked to plan my day and stay on schedule, it just somehow helped me feel like I was in control. After waking up, getting myself ready, and driving to school, the same as every morning; I paced through the foyer, greeted Betty at the front desk and entered my office. The first thing on my agenda was to write the email to Miss Morrison for my confirmation about the soccer team. Opening the lid of my laptop, the screen immediately illuminates with an old picture of myself and Jen, the day she surprised me with a trip to the beach. Even though we broke up months ago, I just couldn't bring myself to delete it, it was one of those pictures that reminded me of a time I was care free, when I didn't have to worry about paperwork or school finances I was just free.

After staring at the picture for a few seconds reminiscing about the memories, I am pulled out of my thoughts by the loud sound of my office door swinging open. Snapping my expression upwards I find myself looking at the woman in the picture leaning on the doorframe. Without hesitation I abruptly slam the lid down on my laptop and greet her. "Do you ever knock?".
"Oh yeh sorry I forgot, but I was wondering if you made a decision yet, because each school needs to have entered by 4 so it would be good if you  could let me know soon" she explains walking over and sitting on my desk. "Well..if you had just been a little more patient, I was just about to start writing the email" I enlighten. "And..".
"I've decided that maybe it would good for the students to participate in some healthy competition. You can enter them." I nod as her expression lights up. "Great, thank you Lana. Oh right thank you miss Parr-"
"It's quite alright Jen" I interrupt her face becoming perplexed. Nonetheless she gave a smile and strolled back into the corridors. "Shut the door" I shout, but by this time she was already gone. I roll my eyes and sigh getting up to close it myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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