Detention Miss Garcia!

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"What? No, I swear I didn't do that,"I say between laughs. "I'm just saying what I heard. So you didn't  do it"my friend Riley asks.
"I can assure you. I wasn't even there,"I say
"If you say so..."She says as she gets off her car.
We walk into the Eastriver High building together but we had different classes now."See you over lunch Vercia." She shouted across the hall. "Later,"
I shouted back and turned to get to my physics class.

Great old man Lee is already here. "What was that Miss Garcia?" Oh,I said that outloud?
"Uhm,I'm sorry sir I... " I begun."Get in..."He said and as  I was headed for my seat he continued" have detention this evening."Fuck it.

"Oh honey,I m gonna be so fucking bored driving home without you."Riley said when I told her I had detention. "You'll be fine,"Then the bell rang. We had Earth geography together. So we got up and went for the next class.
Let me just say this. Geography is SO FUCKING BORING I don't understand why I picked it...wait History...I remember. "Miss Garcia,are you with us?"Miss Richards asked "Huh?I mean uh yeah."
I tried to  pay attention  for  the remaining  part  of the lesson,which was pretty  hard for  me  to  do by the  way. Then the sound of the bell blaired and everyone was leaving the class. I groaned at the thought of an extra hour in school. Well,might get this over with. I sighed and picked my backpack off the floor and headed for detention.

I get to the door and Mr Prescott waves his hand implying I get in. I scan the room and the only seat available is next to Raven Montez. I internally groan and wave my haid such that it hides my face. I walked over to the seat and sat down. Mr. Prescott then begun playing a video on good character."Discipline is imp...blah...blah...blah..."Then I felt a paper hit my shoulder but shrugged it off. But it went on and on till I turned to a smiling Raven.

"Stop it Raven,"I whisper yelled at him. But two seconds later,he was back at it. I sighed and turned again."What do you want Raven?" I asked in seemingly boring voice. Then he smirked and mouthed,"you". I choked on my saliva."Miss Garcia?" Mr Prescott said my name and when I looked at him he just nodded and pointed at the screen.

After eons of ignoring Raven and bearing Mr Prescott's lecture,the bell finally rang. I quickly picked my bag and scurried out of the room.

"Vercia,Vercia..."I heard an all too familiar sound call out to me. I quickened my pace but I felt my arm being grabbed and I turned to a panting Raven."Hold up Verce,we havenr exchanged numbers yet." I lifted my face and laughed at him.
"What's so funny?" he asked his face creased. Ah hot boys are stupid. His face softened to a smirk and he started walking towards me, thinning the space between us.

"Wha...What are you doing Raven?"I asked in a shaky voice. Then the lockers begun shattering around us. Great. He leaned in and snatched my phone from my hand."There,now  was that all you were scared of?"He asked raising his eyebrows while handing me my phone. I took a deep breathe and calmed my nerves,the lockers shut and remained that way.Weird.

He began to walk away and them turned and smirked,"oh and Vercie ,I know I'm hot." He said and left.

Guys please comment. This is my first novel and Im kinda freaking out so...

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