Part 61... Graduation (Finally!)

Start from the beginning

“Me too, I just hope he doesn’t fall over or something. That would definitely make it a day to remember!” I laughed along with Brook. Even Sam seemed to crack a smile at the thought of Ash tripping over his graduation robe or anything possible.

“Now you mention it, he is quite clumsy sometimes. He probably would fall down the stairs or something really” Sam smirked as we drew nearer to the school. I could see various students walking towards the school wearing their red robes and caps, the schools colours noticeably.

Sam parked the car and I took a few deep breaths before opening my door and smiling at numerous students that walked by. There were so many parents and students together entering the school and milling around. I noticed the yearly stage had been erected along with the numerous balloons and celebratory decorations. My eyes searched for Ash in the crowd but he was nowhere to be seen.

“I’m sure he’s somewhere round here” Brook noticed my concern and put her arm around my shoulder as she smiled at me. I nodded my head and smiled back, trying to hide the slight worry in my mind.

Brook hauled me towards a group of girls who were stood around laughing and talking. I didn’t really like many of them but I smiled to look as though I was enjoying their company. When they started to discuss boys I decided it was time for me to excuse myself. I was pretty much over discussing boys are they weren’t the bee all and end all. They were just males and I didn’t understand why girls fawned over them so much.

I strolled towards the school entrance and snuck a look at the yearbook. The first page I flicked to held a photo of Sam. He was smiling and holding the football trophy proudly in the air. All his team mates were pushing him towards the sky as they celebrated their victory. I remember that night. Sam and Ash drank all night and stumbled through the door at 2am ridiculously drunk. Brook marched downstairs and told them to sleep on the couches before throwing blankets at them and shutting off the lights. I giggled at the memory and carried on looking through the book.

The next page had a photo of Ash at my dance show. He was waiting outside the dressing room for me and someone had clearly thought they’d take a photo of that.

Before I could move to the next page I heard hushed voices and instantly recognised one of them.

I entered the school convincing myself that I would go the toilet and then leave again but the voices seemed to be getting louder, as if they wanted me to find them.

My feet carried me to the toilet and I pushed the door open before shutting it quietly behind me. I’d scurried past the voices and decided the best option was the toilet.

I checked my reflection in the mirror and wiped some smudged eye shadow from the side of my face.

“You just need to see who it is. I’m sure it’s nothing” I spoke to my reflection trying to reassure myself that nothing was happening and that everything would be fine. My hands shook as I rinsed some cold water over them and looked at my reflection again.

“Do this Rhi, you have to” I said to myself again before walking towards the door and opening it. The hushed voices were louder now as I walked back towards them. The corridor had lockers on both sides which had small gaps between them every now and then. I checked every gap and then stopped as the voices sounded close to me.

“Come on Ash, we’ve done it before, she doesn’t care” I swore that I knew that voice. I was trying to figure out who this female voice was when the male voice spoke.

“I don’t know what I want anymore, Katie, I’m just so confused” That was definitely Ash and he was with Katie. Katie, the b*tch who years before had bullied me about my appearance and dated Ash, yet most of the time used him for his money. What was he doing hanging around with her? And what did he mean when he said he didn’t know what he wanted? And most importantly, what had they done before?

I tried to move closer as their speech was becoming quieter as the loud voices that were outside mixed with theirs. Unfortunately I didn’t notice the small wire that trailed along the floor and tripped over it landing on my face with an ‘oof’ as I hit the floor. I prayed that they hadn’t heard me and laid on the floor feeling sorry for myself.

“What was that?” Ash sounded worried about the noise I just made hitting the floor face first. Luckily, I hadn’t really done much damage but knew that I’d have a bump on my head and a large bruise. The school floors had always been very unforgiving and this one wasn’t going to do much good for me.

“Nothing, baby, you’re okay” Katie’s vile voice hushed him and I just wanted to rip her hair out and feed her to the lions at the local zoo. She was so slimy and manipulative when she wanted to be. It didn’t help that she was rather attractive most of the time.

I pushed myself onto my hands and sat crossed legged against the wall to listen to their conversation. However, the conversation suddenly stopped and the sounded of saliva reached my ears. I held my hands to my mouth as a loud gasp escaped my lips and knew that they were kissing each other. I didn’t want to hear anymore and left the school furious.

I couldn’t believe that Ash had kissed Katie and that he’d probably done it in the past. Fair enough, I’d done it with Kyle, but that was a stupid mistake and should never have happened but this, this was it. My anger was building inside yet I decided to stay calm and appear fine. I wasn’t going to ruin Ash’s graduation; I would just break it off later.

I thought that Ash was over his ways of getting off with other girls but clearly he was going back to who he used to be. All the effort and all the days of showing him what he meant to me. Showing him what it was like to be loved and not used. Showing what it was like to love a girl and not just use her.

Brook caught my eye as I walked towards the seats in front of the main stage. I smiled and prepared myself for hours of faking it and pretending I was fine.


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