Getting Into What's Hard Getting Out

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I saw him before he saw me. He was descending the spiraling staircase, and I could clearly see from my position on the soft, Ivory couch that felt a little too expensive to be sitting on. Luca was running his hands through damp hair and buttoning the last few buttons of a black, short sleeved shirt polo. He was obviously going out to have a fun night. I was sure I would be ruining that.

My heart started to pound with anticipation and fear, this wasn't going to go well and I knew that. But this had to happen. I told myself. I didn't really have a whole lot of options.

"What is she doing here?" He had almost made it to the front door, if it hadn't been for his quick glance into the living room. I'm sure he would have made it out to party another night without a care in the world if he had just...not looked left.

The look on his face was worse than I expected. I actually flinched back. There was so much anger. I looked away, quickly placing my focus on his cool and completely composed father. My words had become stuck in my throat. The man seemed unbothered by his son's rage, his gaze on his phone as his thumb leisurely ran across it.

"This is the girl you knocked up, correct, son?" The man finally lowered his phone after a full minute and placed it face down on the sturdy coffee table before him. I realized only then that Luca hadn't told him. My mind struggled to understand how he had found out. I certainly hadn't told anyone.

Luca was silent, so silent and for so long, I glanced at him. He was pale, that handsome face of his was completely drained of color as he stared at his father. Suddenly his hazel eyes snapped back to me. "What did you tell him?" He sneered at me.

I reared back slightly after getting hit with the spite in his voice full force. I forced my face to be blank, or I hoped it was. "I-"

"Boy," Giuseppe cut me off sharply, "I asked you a fucking question." Despite the cursing, the words were said calmly. The edge to them was impossible to miss; however.

Luca's jaw noticeably jumped as he stared at his father. "You're just going to believe some random girl who claims I knocked her up?" He finally asked. I glared at him, was he really going at it this way? Was he really going to deny being the father? He and I both knew-

"You know damn well, I have my ways of finding out all about the childish games you play, Luca."

"You mean you spy on me!" Luca yelled. "Who's the infiltrator this time? A teacher? One of my so-called friends?"

"Who are you raising your voice at, boy!" Giuseppe was suddenly standing, towering over the slightly shorter Luca.

Luca took a half-step back, as his hands clenched at his sides. "I'm not..."

"I think you are!" Giuseppe roared. The sudden change in demeanor frightened me badly. One minute the man was calm, collected, the next, his neck was completely scarlet and he looked like he could break Luca in half with his bare hands. One glance at the current focus of the man's anger showed me I wasn't the only one frightened.

Luca looked like a little boy attempting and failing to look brave. His eyes darted to and away from his father's face and his fists shook at his sides. "Now, I asked you a question!" Luca remained silent, staring at the floor now and refusing to look away. Giuseppe moved fast, but I caught the movements considering I was watching with such wide eyes. The man's massive hands smacked into Luca's chest so hard I could hear Luca's sharp exhale of breath and the contact of the hand meeting his chest. Giuseppe gripped his shirt and literally jacked Luca up off his feet. "Are you deaf now!"

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