Chapter 4: A Party of Six

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            Unable to contain his happiness, Nicholas quickly turned away to hide the huge smile on his face from his brothers. "D-Do whatever. I...I don't care," he stuttered and bulleted out of Ted's room.

"Patrick and ge, they...?" asked Ted, in bewilderment.

"Yup, love is in the air."

"Oh..." Ted chuckled.

"Ted, you look ridiculous laughing with tears still in your eyes," Fandi teased. "Come on, I'll help you unpack his things."

"Okay." Wiping the remnants of salty droplets off his cheeks, Ted shot up to his feet and grabbed hold of Fandi's wrist. He dragged his younger twin with him, in and out to tackle said task.

What are those two up to? Nicholas wondered as he poured all the ingredients into the metal pot. With Fandi as the mastermind behind it all, I'm sure it's something wicked. Letting the beef stew cook, Nicholas scooted over to the counter and picked up the glass; the one which coffee was shared between them. Pressing his lips on the mouth of the cool surface, a smile found its way on to his flustering face.

"Ge." Fandi who was passing by the door saw what Nicholas was doing and mocked him. "As though you haven't kissed the poor guy enough, you're stealing more kisses from him?"


"Both your lips touched that glass, you know? Your lips on his lips make it a indirect kiss. Muah~" Fandi dramatically imitated a smooch with his mouth for better comprehension.

Quickly putting the glass down on the counter, Nicholas immediately turned back to his simmering stew. His face was red with embarrassment. What in the world was I doing kissing him? No! I mean...having my lips on his...using that... He shook the nonsense out of his head. Gah...what am I thinking?

"There's no need to turn away. I already know that you're blushing." Fandi grinned, while Nicholas pretended not to hear him.

"Fandi, I thought you said you were going to help me," Ted shouted from the hallway, catching Fandi's attention.

"All right, I'm coming. Be patient, my bigger butt twin."

"Don't call me big butt," Ted sneered.

"Yeah...yeah...quit being so fussy, all right?"

"My butt is the perfect size. Yours, on the other hand, needs a bit more plumpness."

"No way," Fandi argued.

"Way," Ted challenged, "you...'always-hungry-stealing-my-share-of-the-food-bottomless-tummy-eating-monster-with-sharp-teeth-useless-muscles'" Ted panted.

" said that all in one breath. I'm impressed." Fandi beamed in a taunting way.

"Yes, I'm impressive indeed," Ted admitted. "I even surprise myself sometimes."

Rolling his eyes, Fandi went over to Ted and lugged the half struggling young man back into his room. "Let's hurry. We don't have all night. Dinner is almost ready and it won't taste good if it gets cold."

"Besides food, what else are you interested in?" Ted ridiculed.

"You'll meet him tomorrow," Fandi answered, nonchalantly.

"Him? Who is him? I never knew you had a 'him' in your life."

"Quit being so nosy," Fandi demanded. "I don't have all night."

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