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Chapter Three: Answers

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" There are many things that annoy Emma Swan. One of them is smug bastards who think they know everything and that she is just an easy mark to use. She'd been that person once, and there is no way she is falling for that again. Her guard has been up ever since she awoke to find a pirate staring at her. The good thing for her is that Hook has no idea what she is capable of, and hopefully that will play to her advantage.

Hook grins, admiring how ballsy she is. "It means that you may be of use to me. You are going to tell me everything about you and everything you know."

"First of all, could you be any more vague? I'm not going to list off my life history as well whatever random facts I can pull out of my head. If you want answers, you are going to need to be more specific, and secondly, why would I do that?"

"Ah you forget that you are stranded on my ship, love. You can look at it one of two ways. Option one," Hook holds up one finger, "I rescued you from certain death, placing you in my debt."

"You said your crew saved me, not you." Emma counters.

"The key word is my, my crew. Like I was saying, it would be in your best interest to start working off your debt whatever way I see fit. I imagine that talking to me might be more up your alley, although I can think of other ways you can repay me." His eyes begin to travel down Emma's body again, making her shiver.

"Option two," Hook continues, surprisingly choosing not to comment on Emma's reaction to his gaze. "You are in my bed, wearing my shirt and therefore at my mercy. Your gun may be dry enough to fire, but I'm thinking I can overpower you. Take your pick, Swan, but either way you are telling me everything."

Emma takes a minute to assess her surroundings. This isn't the toughest situation she has been in. Her life as a bounty hunter put her up against numerous criminals who did their best to out run her, and given her high success rate, most of them failed. Despite the fact that the bed is on the far side of the room from the door, it wouldn't be too much of a struggle to get there. However, even if she could get past Hook, there is the slight issue of being on a pirate ship in some ocean, wait where is she exactly?

"Well what's it going to be? Tick, tock, love."

"Fine, but I've got some demands of my own." Emma straightens up, giving Hook one of her more serious looks. She usually reserves it for when she confronts bail jumpers in order to make them forget any thoughts of running or trying to do things any way other than hers. Given the fact that Hook is a criminal, it should work on him as well. After all, pirate stories don't typically feature a pirate that is a good and honest man, and if there are such pirates, there's no way Captain Hook is one of them.

Hook raises an eyebrow before laughing. "Well aren't you feisty." There aren't many things that a woman can do to earn even a moment of admiration from him, but Emma's proving to be an exception and a gorgeous one at that. "While I admire the courage, Swan, you don't get any demands. Let me tell you how it works on my ship. I make the demands, you follow them."

"All I want is some answers of my own. Like you love pointing out, I fell out of the sky. I'm on a pirate ship apparently, and I have absolutely no idea where I am. Odds are I'm not in Kansas anymore. Do you think you could manage a couple answers, Hook?"

He tenses at the tone Emma uses when she says his name. While he says 'Swan' with tones of playfulness, she practically spit his out. "I don't know much about this Kansas, but seeing as how I've never traveled there, I guarantee you are not there."

Emma sighs. "It's a Wizard of Oz reference."

Hook raises an eyebrow. "A wizard, huh? I haven't had the best experiences with wizards." Emma starts to jump in, but Hook waves her off. "You mentioned Jefferson earlier, which means mostly likely you were using one of his hats. From there it is obvious that you fell through a portal and landed here in my world. It's not much. The curse destroyed most of it, but as long as I've got a ship and a pretty lass, I'm alright."

A Change In The Wind: Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now