Chapter 1

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     The sun began to rise as the princess of Nalairo,paced in her room. 'Must I marry that beast. I am the princess of the fox realm for Valors sake.' the princess thought to herself. A knock at her chamber doors sounder and drew her from her thoughts. "M'lady, it is time for you to meet your husband to be." her maid said. "I do not want to meet him, I do not want to marry." she says as the maid walks in. "I know m'lady, but you must marry him to make a treaty to save us from war with his kind." Melony, the maid, says as the princess began to dress in a long pale blue dress. "I know Melony, but i want to marry for love not peace." Cade, the princess, said as she pulled her hair on the right side of her head and braided it.

    After getting ready, King Ashmore met with his future son in law as Melony ran to where they were. "She's gone your highness."melony said bowing. "What?! How could you let her leave?"he yelled at her. "I will go after her."the creature said and left. Cade ran onto the boat in her arctic fox form to hide and to enter middle earth. 'I will finally be free for that cursed arranged marriage.' she thought to herself as the boat set sail. Little did she know, her destiny will change as she crosses over to middle earth.

    Once the ported in Rivendale, Cade raced off and ran into a leg of a dwarf. The blonde dwarf looked down at her as she yipped. "Hello there beautiful fox." he knelt down and petted her head as a raven haired dwarf walked over to them. "Fili, put the fox down and go to the others."he said and looked at her. Fili set her down and looked at the other dwarf. "Yes uncle." he replied and walked over to the other dwarves. Cade followed the raven haired dwarf and jumped onto the table then pounced at the bread. "My, my, my, I haven't seen you since you were little, young princess." a dark haired elf says as he walked over to the company and her. "Lord Elrond, it's a pleasure to see you again." Cade says scaring the company. "It's a lass!" a dwarf with the tattoos says. "Yes, I am a girl."cade says as her dark eyes scanned the company.

    After introducing herself to the company and they introduce themselves to her, she became fast friends with Nori and Bofur. She saw Dwalin as an older brother as well as Dori. "Princess?"Ori asked, getting her attention. "Just Cade Ori."she replied facing him. "Ok, what is your home like?"he asked as bofur tossed bombur a sausage link, making the stool break. "Quiet, forestry, and huge. I actually ran from an arranged marriage." she said causing the company to grow quiet. "Who were you to marry?"kili asked looking at her with childlike eyes as his brother looked away. "I never knew his name but he was from here. A beast as my friend and I called him. He was as pale as the moon but as dangerous as a sand wolf."she explained earning a pat on the shoulder from bifur who speaks in a language she never heard of.

    After their stuff was packed, they headed out on their journey once more. Lord Elrond was kind enough for Cade to borrow some clothes for the journey. Thorin was wary of Cade being part of the company but she had proved herself the day before in sparring with him and Fili. Her actions proved enough for Thorin that she was strong and attentive. "And once we find our One, we ask to court, if yes we put a courting braid in their hair and clasp it with a bead."Balin explained their customs to cade. "Interesting." she replies as she fiddles with her hair. "Do you have any customs?"he asked her. "Yes, when we court we must spend the an entire month with our beloveds family. Another is like yours, we braid a small section and tie it off with their favorite flower."Cade explains as fili sits beside her and kili in the other side. "Sounds like a lot of trouble to me."Fili says as kili nods. "Yes, it does brother."kili replies. Cade lets out a small chuckle. "It is a lot of trouble cause we often have false feelings for our beloveds but we are not allowed to stop courting them. I ran because i wanted to marry for love, to find my beloved, my One."Cade says dozing off. "Rest Cade."Gloin says as she leans against fili.

    Everything was in slow motion as the floor gave way, causing a chain reaction which led the company to where they are now. "You think you can run from the Pale Orc you are to marry puny fox? But you aren't the only one he's after." the goblin king said as Gandalf slices his stomach then his throat. The company runs out of goblin territory as the night barely fades away. What they didn't know was who had been following them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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