The Zoo

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So I was started my travel to rethink and I was standing before the Cage from the Snake and starred in this eyes. The Though of the Snake was interesting me and I stood dreamed before the window. "Hey, little snake..." I said and watched them. "H-Hello...." The give back to me and I looks surprised. "What? You can... understand me?" I asked and they do what that can to be a nodded... "WOW... That crazy!" "It's normally to talk with snakes... nothing is crazy." "Your a Fucking Snake, man! Oh my Gosh... why I keep talking with a snake?" I turned over me own and watched in the Face of this Animal... "You don't believe it, but it's True! You talk with me... My Name is Magahar..." "Magahar? Holy Shit!" "No... all is okay.... who is it?" "What?" and I trust around. Fuck that was Magda and she looks with great Eyes in my Face... "Tom? All okay with you?" Oh my good! That was the last that have to do! I was scared. "Magda... this Snake..." "Don't talk about this!" I listen in the Background and I stopped my Interview. "Tom? What?" "It's... it's don't Matter, Ma'am!" I whispers and gone for this place to the Cage of a little Turtle! She followed me... and I think it can't to be horrible! But... unfortunately it was wrong! At "Home" she bring me to her Boss and he talks with me about this situation but I listen the Words from Magahar in my Head and I said nothing. This was the fist moment that I was informed about my Mother and what she was. I leave his office and was felt in my minds. My Mom was a Witch. She was gone to Hogwarts School for young wizards and witches. And he talk to me that I'm not a Muggle,  what ever it is, and he said me that I called with the Same Name as my Dad. Tom Riddle... Tom Marvolo Riddle... in the German I was Called Tom Vorlost Riddle... but that's wrong. I heard that my Father was strict with my Mom and he hurt her... he cut her and something more... and I Begin's to hate my Dad! My Dad was alive and she has to died because he cut her Neck... and... murdered her! MY MOM!

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