0.1 - hot stranger

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Walking through the streets is a normal thing for me and I love it. I love the feeling of walking to work and taking my time admiring nature on the way there. What I do not love is strangers thinking that they can talk to me while I am alone walking down the sidewalk. 

"Damn its hot out here." I hear a random nobody say.

"Yeah, it is." I say, and just keep walking. Everyone on the street just creeps me out. Sorry, but save the small talk for people who know you. 

I was only a block away from the dessert parlor when I see my friend, Cassie. She always seems to end up on my shifts, which is definitely not a bad thing. She makes work a lot more fun.

"Kyra, you finally made it to work on time for once!" She says when she sees me.

"I think you are confused." I say, laughing. She's the one who always shows up late. I'm not the one at risk to lose this job. I would never put myself in that situation either. It pays well and it's actually a lot of fun. Cassie on the other hand, does not care because her parents are basically drowning in money. She only started this job because I told her I worked here.

"Why must you always be so serious? Lighten up Kyra."

"Lighten up doesn't seem to be in my very eloquent and extensive vocabulary." I say, both of us bursting out into a fit of giggles. I really love Cassie and her humor, because it brings fun into the everyday job.

We open up the doors, change the sign to open, and then take our positions in the shop. It's a little boring at first, but I know that it will speed up throughout the day.

Looking at the clock, it is just before one. The shop always officially opens at one, so no one usually comes much before that. I always like to open it a few minutes early though, for the random people. We do not go by the exact clock. We open slightly early and close slightly late.

A little past 3, I had served my tenth customer of the day, when a tall, handsome stranger walks through the parlor doors.

"You get this hottie, since I got the last one." Cassie whispers and I just roll my eyes at her.

"Welcome to Delicious Desserts. Do you know what you would like?"

"Ice cream with a side of you, babe." The abnormally handsome stranger says, taking off his sunglasses and instantaneously becoming increasingly hotter. 

"What kind of ice cream would you like?" I ask, being as polite as possible. I was forced to keep in my laughter, so I just give him a slight smile when asking. That should help with the polite aspect.

"Mint chocolate chip." He says leaving me to having to ask yet another question.

"Single, double, or triple scoop?"

"Single, please."

"At least you have manners. Would you like any toppings? They're 10 cents more, including tax." I say, scooping his ice cream into his cone. 

"No thank you."

"Okay, here's your ice cream. The total will be $1.08."

"Woah, that's cheap." He says, handing me a dollar and a dime out of his wallet. Punching it into the register, I hand him back his two pennies which he puts into the tip jar.

"Have a nice day. Come back again soon!" I say, ready to take the polite smile off of my face.

"Oh, I will be." He says, starting to walk out the door when I noticed his wallet lying on the counter top.

"Sir!" I blurt out, causing him to turn around.

"My name's Ashton, but you can call me Ash." He says with a wink. The cockiness is about to drive me up the wall, but I allow my smile to stay plastered on my face.

"Well Ashton, you left your wallet here." I say, not daring to grab it.

"Thanks. Oh, i forgot to leave you my number." He says, handing a small piece of paper to me. I take it unwillingly and put it in my pocket.

"If you don't text me tonight, I will come back tomorrow and demand your number from her." He says, pointing at Cassie.

"You don't even know my name yet." I say, trying to be a smart ass, but Cassie ruins the plans.

"Her name is Kyra." Cassie pipes in.

"That is not my name." I say, smiling sweetly.

"I expect a text, Kyra." He says, then winks.

I am left bewildered and exhausted with that incident running through my mind the rest of the day, but Cassie won't let me live it down. It is not like I asked for this stranger to waltz in and be a cocky jerk that demands a text from me. I do not want that and then Cassie told him my name, not that it is a huge deal, but I do not give in so easily, even if he is super handsome. 

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