~Chapitre Un

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{Wow ok this is my first fanfiction be gentle with me pls !! I hope you like this shitty attempt!}

 ---An Arrancar and a soul reaper? Never! Immoral! That's what everyone was supposed to think, except me of course. Gin Ichimaru was the one I had my eye on, specifically. I'm an Arrancar, number thirteen. Not fit for someone like him.---

 Trudging through the sands of Hueco Mundo with my zanpakuto at my hip, I brushed a strand of short black hair out of my eyes. Damn, why did it have to be so hot here? Lord Aizen had requested for me to travel to the human world to make an exchange with a soul reaper, something like that. I swallowed dryly as I trotted up to Aizen's marble throne, bowing lightly. "Lord Aizen? You summoned me?" I squeaked. He gave a chuckle and beckoned me forward with a single finger. I obeyed, walking forwards slowly.

 "Yes, child...you are to go to the World Of The Living and meet with a soul reaper with the name Ichimaru.." he murmured in the dark tone he always carried. 'Ichimaru...' I thought, but nodded up at him anyway.

 "I will do my best, sir." I spoke confidently as I bowed once again and walked out. Trotting a bit away from where Aizen resided, I opened a garganta and stepped through. The World Of The Living was such a vivid and colorful place, I always loved when I was sent there for a task to complete. It's a hell of a lot better than the bleak sands of Hueco Mundo, that's for sure. When I opened my eyes to the human world, I had transported to the top of a large warehouse.

 Looking out over the tops of the buildings, I spotted a tall young man with oddly coloured silver hair. "That's him..right?" I thought out loud as I flashstepped to the building he was currently perched on. "Ichimaru Gin.." I stood up straight. He turned to me with a curious expression, crooked grin not leaving his pale face.

 "..That would be me." he spoke up, his tone ever so cold even as a smile was upon his face. A chill ran up my spine at his voice. "Would you be the one I am supposed to give this to?" he asked me, holding up a rolled up piece of parchment. It took me a while to get myself to speak.

 "Y-Yes, I am." I said with a nod, walking over to take it from his hands as one of his long fingers gently brushed against mine. He was so oddly cold...but I couldn't seem to pull away..

 I finally shoved the paper into my hakama, not taking my eyes off him. "Thank you Gin." I nodded. "I'll be l-leaving now." I sputtered as I moved to turn away, but he reached out and grabbed my wrist.

 "..Come back and see me now, won't you dear~?" he purred. Mother of God. I was helpless in this situation. As he said this he opened one closed eye, a small sliver of the prettiest blue I've ever seen shone through his partially closed eyelid. I ripped my hand out of his grasp and ran for it. I opened another garganta and pretty much fell through it, right onto the white sand of Hueco Mundo. I have to see him again...

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