The painting

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As a child I would always want to stay with my grandma.We called her grangran.She had this art studio where she would paint and show me at the end.She told me never to lift the curtain on them untill she would finish.One day I was a really curious to see what was behind the biggest curtain canvas.Grangran wasnt there so I tugged it down and looked at the painting in horror.It was a broad wide canvas with an ugly woman that was about to die and the paint was crispy and always had a shade of red that was obvious.I ran to Grangran crying screaming for her to make it go away.Now as an adult my Grangran has recently died.She gave me all her art because she knew all my greedy  cousins would sell it.She had turned that ugly old lady into a buetiful portrait of a youthful young lady.But the paint was peeling.I had nowhere to put the paintings in my  tiny house so I put them in my bedroom.Every night I would wake up to that portrait staring at me but I never move it to make it that way.Everyday the paint was peeling larger and larger untill it was just flakes as big as Doritos peeling off.The painting was slowly starting to reveal itself so I decided to look on the back before I threw it away.There was a note and it said In loving meomery of Elizabeth with such a tragic death.I looked farther down to see another small note.Do not touch this painting It was my sisters.I found an address that said if you ever do find this painting come to this address immediantly!I drove there and there was an old unstable woman about my size she told me to come in and asked me what was the matter!I told her about the painting and she  gasped saying she burnt it.She said that her sister Elizabeth became very sick and unsane.we gave her a canvas some brushes and paint and told her make her last few days buetiful because she loved to paint.Intead she bit of the end of a brush   to cut herself and cut enough skin of to cover the canvas she went to emergency surgery but was soon ok she started to paint again instead of painting a buetiful portrait she added her blood to all the paint and painted that ugly old woman.Instead of using a paint sealent she spat on it and rubbed it all over it and let it dry.She soon died and they wrote all those notes and gave it to my Grangran Elizabeth's sister June, asked my Grangran to give it back so she did and June burnt it.It showed back up at Grangran studio the next day so Grangran kept working and you know what that led to.I was going to go home and give the painting back to June.When I got to my room I looked at the painting the woman had completely peeled down to where you could see her and paint was dripping off she had a sickening smile and she was...ozzing.I turned to run but she was there I couldnt escape I ran threw the kitchen and got to the door but she was there!I ran back through the house and got to the backdoor in time.But it was locked from outside .I heard cracking and horrific noises I can't explain as I look back  she was emerging fromt the painting  she arose and murdered me.She ripped out my eyesockects and broke my neck.The police found nothing but a few drops of ooze coming from the painting but didnt find her.She could still be out there waiting for you to buy that nice repainted painting watching she has all the time she wants.She is here.

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