"It's been too long," Ginny agreed. 

Everyone else in the room was watching the exchange in silence, three sets of eyes rolling, until Courtney managed to get a good look at Harry's face. 

"But--but-- " she stammered, color fading from her face, "you're Harry Potter!" 

"Yes..." He looked at her, eyebrows raised. 

All three women bore shocked expressions, but Aunt Sidney was the first to recover. 

"What she means to say is, well, what are you doing with them?" she asked, her snobby attitude returning full-force. 

Ginny scoffed, her a glare making its way to her features. "You mean my brother, sister-in-law, and her parents?"

"You're Ginny Potter!" 

"Wow, you're quite brilliant aren't you?" she remarked dryly.

"Sorry," Harry interrupted, but it was obvious that he was in no way apologetic, "but exactly what were you trying to imply here?" 

None of the three could answer, so Ginny did for them. 

"Well, it's very clear, isn't it, Harry?" she asked sarcastically, turning to face him. "They're trying to say that Hermione is somehow below them, aren't you?" 

She sneered, then faced them again. "Well, you're wrong. Hermione has told me all about you, and I assure you, both my husband and I know exactly what you are. Don't ever try to do anything like that again, hear me?"

Harry put his hand on her shoulder to keep her from lashing out further, certain that it would probably end with the three other women earning black eyes. 

At his touch, Ginny retreated, and gave Harry the stage. She, too, was sure that she might do something to them if they kept talking that way about her family.

"Ginny is right," Harry said, and to anyone else, his voice would have sounded normal; however, to everyone that knew him well, his voice held steel, and his eyes were hard. "I've heard all about you. I don't even need to ask your names to know. 

"And to be honest, I don't need you darkening my doorstep. Hermione is my sister, and if you've got something to say to her, you can say it to me as well. If you call her garbage, well, then you're calling me garbage as well. Is that what you're going for?" 

Courtney's mouth opened and closed a few times as though she was attempting to say something, but her voice was not cooperating. Haley was unable to even look him in the eye, and her face was pale. 

Sidney, however, seemed to lack common sense. "Associating with them? Apparently, you are garbage, then." 

It was clear that Ginny's hand was now reaching for her wand, and that Ron was close to it as well. Hermione, however, was the one who intervened verbally. 

"You know what? By all means, stay. Don't leave. Because I hope you realize that I can do so much more than petty insults when it comes to revenge. From here on out, expect your lives to be a living hell. 

"No one speaks to my family like that. You've thrown stupid comments at me left and right, but you have no right to say anything about my cousins, about my parents, my husband, my brother or sister-in-law. Anyone. So I'm telling you right now, you're going to regret it all." 

"We don't need your 'sympathy,' girl. We don't need this place," Sidney spat. "We're leaving." 

"By all means, please do," Ginny said, coolly. 

Sidney faltered a bit, clearly expecting that someone would stop her, apologize, even if only for the sake of not losing the business. But no one did. 

She grabbed both girls by the arm, and dragged them away, her anger reflected in every step. 

Harry quickly motioned to a nearby employee, and whispered that the three were to be escorted out of the hotel, and then blacklisted, along with their immediate family. 

"Merlin, Harry," Hermione started, stepping in front of the rest of the group. "You didn't have to do that. I could have handled it. I'm sorry you had to see it, though." 

"It's fine, 'Mione. I'm honestly glad that they're not going to be messing with the hotel's reputation. And to be honest, I absolutely do not like them, and I did not want to have to be in their presence for another minute."

"Well, thanks Harry. But I had that." 

"Yeah, mate," Ron piped up for the first time, "she's rather particular about the whole 'I could have done it' thing."

Harry grinned, and Ginny elbowed her brother in the ribs. 

"Shut up, Ron. I take it you learned the hard way?" 

He scowled, but it quickly faded when they heard someone cough to get their attention from the side. 

"Sorry to interrupt this moment," Caia started a bit dryly, "but could someone explain to me what's going on?" 

Calla pressed her fingers to her face, about done with her sister, while their brother rolled his eyes, grinning. 

Hermione laughed, and said, "Well, essentially, this is Harry and Ginny, and now we're officially free of our tormentors."

Handshakes were exchanged, along with a quick backstory for the friends. The small affair was the most happy that Hermione had felt in quite a bit, her heart ready to burst with joyfulness. 


"You know, I wonder if they realized that I'm the Ron Weasley they were crushing over at breakfast," Ron asked, lounging on the couch. 

Harry and Ginny were hanging around in Ron and Hermione's suite, and everyone else had retreated to their own rooms. 

Hermione laughed, and the other two looked at her quizzically, bearing 'what-exactly-have-we-missed' faces.

"It'll probably take them another week." 

Ron joined in with Hermione's giggles, and Harry and Ginny merely glanced at each other, shoulders shrugging. 

Soon enough, the laughter subsided, and a comfortable silence filled the room, as all four occupied themselves, thinking the day over.

It was, admittedly, the best day of the reunion for both Ron and Hermione, and to be honest, it couldn't have been any better. 

Okay, so I'm really sorry that I haven't written in a while, but I've honestly been so busy lately-- I've got a fifteen page paper due Thursday, and I haven't even had time to start it.. And I really meant to post this chapter a few hours earlier, but it totally slipped my mind, and I'm really sorry about that. 

On another note, the story is almost over! I've got about one chapter left to wrap it all up, and then we're done! I actually meant to have another chapter before introducing Harry and Ginny, but I realized that I've dragged this on way too long. This was originally only supposed to be about seven chapters, which is really long for a reunion story anyway. But thank you so much to all of you for sticking with me this long! You have no idea what it means to me. 

One last thing: I know that I asked a while back how you guys would feel about an 'Evans Family Reunion,' and I got a bunch of positive responses. Well, now that we're almost finished here, I want to keep the reunion thing going, and that seems like a good place to start. To be clear, it would be a typically reunion style story, only involving James and Lily. And it'll be a lot shorter than this; I don't want to keep this going on for so long. But how would you feel about this? Would you be interested? 

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