Pink-Haired Stubborn, Rude Idiot!

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"That's not right...", I begged. Not even a second passed by, when the skies darkened, and then were pierced by a blinding, fierce violet light. Thrown to the ground, covering my face in cupped hands, my tears unwavering creating a lake of salt in my palms, I was ready to die. And it was only when I realized, my heart pounded painfully in my ears, and my breathing was raspy, panicked, I knew I was still alive. Getting up, slowly, I carefully dragged myself to the window, peering out, frightened of what I might see... The window, the too clear glass, revealed a destroyed, devastated world, it wasn't going to be the last of my tears...

Instantly, I thought of all the people that were lost: friends and family. Lives that didn't even have a chance to tell me goodbye, or anybody. My head turning side to side, slowly in disbelief and sorrow. People who had ordinary lives, crushed, turned into blood sausage by the debris and what they had assumed, their comfort and safety of their own home. I was so focused,so intent on what had happened that the huge shadow that suddenly inhabited my bedroom, I widened my eyes and looked up into the sky.

"No. Impossible, it's...corruption," once again, my eyes started welling, at such a drop in my hope, and covered my mouth.  As if I had been struck with lightning, a surge of determination enveloped my  very being, my soul. Without even thinking, I reacted and with feet pounding, grabbed my coat, and slammed my apartment door behind me. And got a close up view of the city I had always known as City A. Breathing in, I breathed out and started my journey  by jumping from concrete to concrete and climbing broken off parts of buildings...

The once graveled, and concrete sidewalk had not only been destroyed but littered with shattered remains of other buildings during the attack.  IT made it incredibly painful for my sandaled feet all the pebbled bits making in under my foot, and my backpack started to dig into my tender frame. But I pushed on, because there was something waiting for me, a spark, a flicker of...something. I could not only feel it in the wild throbbing of my heart, but the entire essence of my body.  A low, thrumming, humming drum. Reaching out with my fingers, the broken street I was walking on, I grazed the outline of a  crumpled building wall. I remembered this. The corporate firm I used to work for, in Accounting; I had a crush on the security guard on the Sales floor. 

Trudging on, there was a sudden shift in my atmosphere. A blinding rainbow light that whipped my hair against my skin like whips, and then my whole body slamming violently into the car next to me. My head lashed backwards, as my hair swirled around me in slow motion, and the mysterious ship above me, crashing to the ground. Then blackness. ..

When I regained consciousness, my sight robbed of me leaving everything in a black and white blurry vision. My body was absolutely wrecked, I let out a wretched, pained sob when I realized I couldn't move my arm. My brain panicking at trying to tally my losses. My legs were not great, but they could move, shifting here and there. My other arm twitched, obviously in a nerve shock, but my fingers didn't mind spasming out, and my chest was breathing too past but I lived. My hair was draped in front me, only letting in bits of images from my surroundings, and my other eye was bathed in red, with my other arm, careful to avoid moving the paralyzed one, I half-rubbed, half-swiped, uselessly, at my eye. Bringing my hand to my face, my eyes widened as the faint crimson color blurred in my vision. Blood. 

Getting up, no matter how deliberately careful and slow I was, my world still violently tilted on my axis and I almost collapsed again. Bolts of tortured agony clawed it's way up my legs, and spread like a infection to the rest of my body. Openly crying now, I looked from side to side. Hoping for somebody, anybody. But all that remained was the fire in my heart, that reservoir of strength that pleaded for me to continue, crying just as I was. As much as I didn't want to, I grabbed my backpack, letting out a whimper as my arm tried to carry the weight, as my other arm lied to my other side, completely useless. Each step, each arch of my limp, every shift of my head was nothing but pain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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