Ch. 2😥

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"Y/n why don't you start unpacking while me and your aunt Bomberia fix dinner, okay? Your room is second to last on the left!" Aunt Kellie said. Y/n made her way to her room and started to unpack.

Not long after y/n got done packing, a knock was heard. Y/n opened the door to see Aunt Kellie.
"Y/n, if you're done packing, would you mind coming in the living room? Thanks!" . Y/n soon got dressed in appropriate clothes, so that she she didn't look like she just got done wrestling a pig in dirt. Y/n was now redressed in (any outfit of choice), and looked much more decent. Y/n walked though the hall way, down the stairs, and through a doorway to enter the living room, to see that the boy and the two aunt's talking on the couch.


The three looked at you before aunt Kellie basically tackled you into a hug and forced you to sit down. "Y/n! This is Shouto! Shouto! This is
y/n!" The two aunt's went in the kitchen and left both y/n and Shouto to talk and learn more about the other.

For you guys that are reading this, thx.💘❤💓💕💖💗💙💚💛💜🖤💝💞💟❣💘❤💓💌❣💟💞💝🖤💜💛💚💙💗💖💕

*DISCONTINUED* You're like him, but not... (todoroki s. x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum