my shoes

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can you looking the mirror and say you got a good life and mean it. when i was 13 i could now not so much

don't get me wrong i love my mom and dad and my annoying sister and are dog its just my friends that make my life weird but i love it and hate it at the same time.

when i was 14 we moved form my old home to one with all my family in we all live in the same yard we all have are owns homes in it is just we all live in the same place deal is all

but when i moved to my new school i had to dive in to the deep end no friends no family in there just me my self and i in my old school i could do just that but here i fought i didn't have to do that any more. but i did

things got better though thay always do in most cases but when i got older i find out that lots of people like to use my solder to cry on most of the time i could hand it on the odd ocase i cloud int

then it got a lots worse when i tried to date and get a girl friend did i try yes did i get any no but i got a lucky break form time to time like when i went on holiday to floder the sunrise stated it was alsome i got a girl to kiss me dead on the lips [ps she is hoooooooot as hell]

we meet on a ride called the crackin she sat next to me in the roller costar and i give her my hand and said if you get scared feel free to grab on truth be told i didn't think she would but she did we got talking after we got off her told me her name and we had a laugh we meet up later and went on a ride called the mantter and i was scared shitless of it i tried to go it before i run in to her but i boatel it and back out of it but she got me on it evon tho i was scared i loved being next to her on it.

for those that think this was a normal ride think again this ride picks you up and you ride it like you are superman it was fun but when i was young my dad use to yell out loud oggie oggie oggie and when i go on any thing i do to i we never tell my old man this but i want to be just like him most of the time he is the light in the end of the rode but that is the same for and son and dads everwhere and if you are one of the two you will know what i mean.

back to the ride to get her to laugh a pulled a super man [come on like you woodint ] she laughed her pretty head off it was good we went off the ride laughing like two drunk's but i was drunk on her laughter and then we kissed she tasted spicy i loved it that was my first kiss we went out of the cove like thing we kissed in and seen my dad and to my horror he made us stand to giver and taken pictures and he put them on Facebook yes he did and i went nuts at him for it.

when i came home things got good and bad as the years went by i got my heart crushed by a girl and she moved on but that is life but she was the only one that would meet me out side of school before i was not one to go out and see my friends it was mostly in school but now i needed it but now as try no one will meet me i have asked all my friends time and time again and it kills me on the inside when that don'ts messages me back or say no i know that thay are bisse we all are but thay cant be all the time but thay are i am lonely and i hate it.

so i can look in the mirror and say i got a good life i have good family good times and a good future but tell me if friends make life worth living what do you do when thay don't want to see you on there time ? tell me because i sure as hell don't know.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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