Chapter 2: Finding the Traitor

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"Lets get Padfoot over with first. I know for a fact, he's no trsitor." James stated.

"Ok. Why dont you contact him?" I asked.

James waved his wand as Prongs appeared. "Hey Paddy, Lils and I are going to Muggle London tomorrow. Why dont we meet up and take Harry shopping?"

"Thanks James. I put Harry to bed in Ivys room. I hope you dont mind." I was worried.

"No, it should be put to good use." James said distracted.

I smiled sadly. "I know you miss her."

"Lily she was only 7 when she died, we didnt even get to bury her body. The Death Eaters had taken it. I hope Harry likes it in there."

"I'll put him somewhere else. Now-" I was cut off by a silver dog coming through the window.

"Prongs its about time you let me spoil young Harry! Hows 11 am sound?" Sirius sounded excited.

James replied to confirm. I took Harry into his room in our cottage and rocked him to sleep.


"Ahh! James!" I yelled when water sprayed me.

James only smirked. "Sorry honey, its 10 30. Harry kept you up all night huh?"

"Shut it." I grumbled as I waved my wand. "Lets go then."

"Uh-uh. Not before we change our appearence." James changed his black hair to blonde and his eyes from hazel to blue. I turned into his brunette wife with grey eyes. Harry, all I needed to do was change his hair.

Once we were done, we twisted on the spot. We appeared in front of a clothing store next to the Leaky Couldron.

"Sirius!" I yelled getting his attention.

The man turned and smiled at us. "Merlin, has it really only been a day?"

I laughed with Sirius as we all got Harry some cute Muggle outfits. "Lils, what do you think of this?" James asked.

I looked to find James holding up a tiny suite. "Very cute, but I think we should wait until he can talk though."

Sirius then got my attention by bringing a red onsie with paw prints. "That is so a keeper Sirius!"

We added it to the pile. "Have you talked to Minerva lately?" Sirius asked after an hour.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Shes been owling me, she would love to come by and visit." Sirius answered.

"James, I'll take care of this."i walked into the bathroom and raised my wand as Sparky appeared. "Hello Minnie! Would you like to come by and visit soon? We would love to have you over. Just so you know, we arent at the cottage anymore. Long story. Please reply soon, we miss you." Sparky looked at me then turned and cantered away.

I returned to find Harry was missing! "Wheres Harry?!" I demanded.

James and Sirius laughed then revealed he was hiding under the pile of clothes.

I gave a mock laugh. "If we wernt surrounded by Muggles, Id curse the two of you!"

"Oh come on Dudders! Mummy wants to get you something special!" A woman cooed

I stopped short. "James lets go." I said coolly.

"Lily I-"

"James. Im leaving, please if you want to stay with Sirius go ahead. But Im taking Harry with me." I picked up my son and walked away as I disapperated.


I never dreamed I would see Petunia again. She became very bitter after she discovered Im a witch. Thank
Merlin I was disguised. Her poor son! He looks so unhealthy at just 3 years old!

That night, I sent a message to Moony to meet us in Diagon Alley. We were to take Harry shopping for books.

Once again before we left, we disguised ourselves. "Moony!" James bellowed when we arrived

"Ah here you are! I already picked out some great DADA books and books on the diplomacy of our world." Remus gestured to the basket. I walked alomg the asiles flicking my wand casually as book after book came soaring down.

I made sure Harry was stocked with books on Potions, Charms and Transfiguration. While Sirius was making sure he had all the books Harry would need on Herbology and History of Magic. Remus filled up all the other subjects.

When we got home, I placed all the books on Harrys bookshelf.

"James, I think Peter is the traitor." I said at dinner.

"Im afraid so Lils. You were right not to be in the cottage last Halloween. Just as I was leaving I caught a glimpse of Voldemort. We know who was Secret-Keeper. The best way to protect our family is go Stun Peter and erase his memory of us going into hiding." James said.

"Ill do it. No James, it has to be me." I said firmly.

"Disguise yourself. Remember Peters a dirty rat. Promise to send Sparky after its done."

"I promise. I love you James, I'll see you soon." I kissed him.then left.

I approched Peters house and silently syunned him. Then I erased his memory of him ever knowing where we are located.

I smiled to myself and left quickly. I conjured up Sparky. "James its done, we are safe."


I came back home to find James asleep in Harrys room. I couldnt help but smile as I covered my husband up. I got into bed and fell asleep.

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