"He knows nothing." Tai says, shooting Ruben a stare. “Hunter, you promised you'd tell Danny. Now keep your promise." He says using his deep, alpha voice.

Hunter bows his head, then turn towards me, "Do you remember what a pack is?"

I nod my head, Hunter continues," A long time ago before Tai's pack became Top pack, there was another Pack, The Red Star Line pack. They were the strongest and largest pack ever in history. They're alpha was Alessia Aura, your mother."

"I thought that alpha's were to be males?" I ask confused.

"They are, your mother was next in line to take command, but she hadn't found her mate yet. She decided to take on both roles and the pack agreed on that decision. She became the youngest alpha in history at the age of 15."

"What happened to her parents or the previous Alpha and Luna?"I ask curiously. I want to know everything I can learn from this single conversation.

"Her parents were hung and burned alive by Rouges, Werewolves with no pack because they were banished or born into no pack." Ruben says whispering. His eyes are slightly glowing. I don't bring it up though because I don't want to get off topic. I nod my head for hunter to go on.

"The Red Star Line pack remained top pack all throughout Alessia ruling of 15 years. That's until they were ambushed by Rogues and Hunters."

"What are Hunters?" I ask.

"Mixtures between Vampires and Werewolves." Josue answers sadly.

Hunter goes on, “The war went on for three consecutive days. The warriors were killed in battle and the mothers and children were killed in the fire of the pack house. Your mother was the only one still standing from her pack. She alone took on 100 rogues and 50 Hunters. She killed every single one of them. There were still more on the way, your mother left behind everything she's ever known. She was on the top of their most wanted list. She spent eight months on the run, until she ran into my territory. Warriors found her wolf in a cave not so far from here in horrible condition. She was covered from head to toe in severe cuts, a broken paw, and pieces of her were burnt and mutilated. Her wolf had no way of healing itself from exhaustion and lack of hydration. My warriors luckily knew who she was and notified me immediately. When I got down there I notified my warriors to fetch the medics quickly. I approached her slowly but, although she was hurt, she stood up quickly on 3 legs and snarled at me. I could, above all the blood, smell her vanilla and caramel scent and I knew she was my mate. She didn't know how ever, she had been through so much she was still on warrior mode, so she attacked me took a quick bite at my collar." He pulls down his shirt to show his right shoulder. There hidden under his shirt were huge teeth marks. Way to go mom, I think to myself. Hunter let's go of his shirt so that it quickly goes back to place.

"In order for her to know she was my mate I had to get her to smell me. So I quickly grabbed a hold of her head and placed to over my chest. It took her a while to finally settle down. She quickly shifted back into her human form and I gave her my shirt to cover up. The medics arrived after a while and we nursed her back to health. She was forced to hide her scent so that the hunters and rouges wouldn't find her. A year later we had Josue. The Hunters and rouges were quickly approaching. After another long year, we had you but there was something wrong with you all babies are born kicking, screaming and crying, you were born silent and your eyes would never open."

It’s as if the world just knew I was going to be mute. How ironic. Hunter continues.

"Doctors thought you were in a coma for a while, but you moved your hands and feet every now and then. You wouldn't eat at all. A day later you got terribly sick and you weren't getting enough oxygen because you nose was stuffed and you wouldn't open your mouth. Doctors had no idea what was wrong and neither did I. That night your mother awoke from her sleep and went to pick you up and walked out of the house, I followed quickly. When I tried to ask her what she was doing she wouldn't reply, it was like she was sleep walking or something. Once we had gotten to an ancient Japanese archway she waved her hand in a repeated motion and then stepped forward, disappearing before my eyes. As I walked to follow I found myself on a bridge starring at the solstice pond, a pond told in a fable about how the moon and sun spirit were also lived on the earth as fish, White for the sun and black for the moon and how together they lived in perfect harmony; if one were to be killed on earth then the spirit itself would die causing the whole world to be thrown off balance."

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