Chapter 14 (please read A/N at the end)

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(OK SO SPECIAL THANKS TO MY AMAZING FRIEND CASSIE FOR HELPING ME UPDATE OVER THESE PAST MONTHS I'VE BEEN ABSENT FROM UPDATING, Also to thank her could you guys wish her an early happy birthday, her birthday's on the 19th of April. AND I GOTTA MAKE SURE SHE GETS ALL THE LOVE SHE DESERVES. Ahem, anyways sit back relax grab some snacks and enjoy.)


Beep beep beep beep


You groaned as you shoved your face deeper into your pillow.




Evan wasn't able to finish his sentence as you threw the pillow to his face, the funny thing was, he didn't even have time to react leaving him to collect himself on what just happened.

"Come on get up today's the last day of the week then you'll get to sleep in all day tomorrow."

You slightly lifted your pillow having a little peak seeing your brother lean against the door frame, wearing his signature blue and white striped top with a grey jacket and a pair of cargo pants. You finally gave in letting out a stressful groan.

"Fiiiiine, but only if you let me sleep in for the rest of the weekend," you say pointing a finger to your brother.

" about till...11 am?"





"Ok ok fine, 11:10 but that's a promise."

Evan gave you a slight nod of approval
and went down getting ready for breakfast. In all honesty you didn't have any intention to go to school with all the scenario that has been going on since that one faithful day with Connor, you laid yourself down on your bed for a few seconds letting out a stressful sigh 'why should I even go?' you thought to yourself as you slammed a pillow on your face and screamed into it, finally feeling a bit relaxed you head to the bathroom and got ready, brushing your teeth, hair, and washing your face to get that sleepiness out of you. After doing so you head to your cupboard and took a white tanktop with a red flannel and a pair of skinny jeans and black converse.
You head down to the kitchen grabbing your backpack in the process and placed in on the side of your chair, a bowl was already placed in front of you, a glass of (favorite juice), a box of Cheerios and a carton of cold fresh milk. You poured your cereal first then the milk(A/N: I do it specifically in that order because I don't like it when my cereal gets too soggy really soon). As you ate your breakfast you continued to think of all the things that have been going on these past few days. You actually thought that stupid video would just get lost and forgotten in the sea of idiotic videos that have been viral all over the school, but that never happened it just seemed to get even worse and worse you were still teased about that video but you tried your best to ignore the hurtful words coming out of your schoolmate's mouths you were lucky enough to have a supportive group of friends Alana, Jared, Evan, Zoe, heck you were even getting close to Mae you never realized how much you both can actually relate to each other. After a few minutes of silent eating you finally finished and placed your bowl in the sink and washed it, considering that your mom didn't even have enough time to even wash the dishes so you and Evan decided to help her and...a majority of the house chores it seemed as though your mother was only sleeping here and the next day she would be gone before you and Evan even woke up.

"Hey (Y/N), whats gotten into your head?"

You turned to Evan still washing your bowl in a circular motion, "Hm? Oh I'm sorry did I zone out?"

"No it looked like you were on autopilot."

You looked down and focused on washing the rest of the dishes, feeling a bit embarrassed as you heard the high pitched squeaking of the gloves as they were rubbing against the metal spoon you were holding.

"I'm fine really, I'm just...stressed out."

"Is it still going on?"

A few strands of hair fell from your ear resulting it into covering the side of your face as you nod slowly trying so hard and desperately trying to hide the tears that were already welling up into your eyes making your vision blurry, you sniffled a but but then covered it by clearing your throat and you lifted your arm so you could wipe away your tears that were threatening to fall using your sleeve.

"Hehe, the soap got into my eye." You faked laughed as you looked away from your older brother.

"Oh (Y/N)..." Evan gave you a sad look as he took off both of his gloves and walked over to you giving you a hug. And at that moment you couldn't help but break down into tears, Evan just continued to rub your back telling you to "let it all out" and "don't hide your emotions from me". A few seconds later you finally relaxed still letting out a few sniffles here and there but you weren't sobbing uncontrollably, you pulled away from Evan's shoulder seeing a huge patch on his shoulder wet from your tears your eyes widen and you immediately apologized, "Oh my gosh Evan I'm so sorry."

"No no it's ok really, you needed that."

You gave Evan a smile which he gladly returned, you gave him one last hug(*ahem* awkward sibling hug *ahem*)

"You're the best Evan."

"Wow that's something new."

You pulled away slapping his shoulder playfully getting a sincere laugh from him,"Now come on wash up you look like a mess," you rolled your eyes and dried away your tears with your sleeves.

"There, now come on we gotta get going."

A/N: holy shit guys I'm so so sorry I've been away for so so long, exams have been really stressful and I'm fasting considering it's Ramadhan and tomorrow is Lebaran, and also I just recently broke up with my ex boyfriend a few days ago resulting in me not being able to update as early as I could, again I am so so sorry I hope you all understand. And happy Idul Adha and Lebaran to anyone here who's muslim just like me actually you know what not only to all the Muslims but to every single one of you. Also I will try my best to update as often as possible not only because it's the holidays but I literally got nothing to do.
Thank you all so much for being really supportive and I'm so happy you all enjoy my story we just recently got 20k reads LIKE HOW CRAZY IS THAT!! IM SO SO SO GREATFULL AGAIN, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH AND IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR TWO MONTHS I WILL TRY MY BEST TO UPDATE FOR YOU GUYS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. Ok enough ranting hope you all enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter bye bye.


His Cure (Connor Murphy x reader) [FINISHED] [EDITED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن