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Updated 3/17/23 6:43am

I end up in between Daryl and Carol, squeezed in on the motorcycle. Not fun. I'm squished and Mrs. whiney butt behind me is sitting on my shit. Which I do not like at all. It wasn't a long ride before Daryl comes to a stop on the road. Old, dusty cars lay abandoned in the road. Or the highway as it used to be. Nothing but a graveyard now. As Daryl rounds another car, I hear voices and engines. People. A group of them. And judging by the way they started our direction as we came into view, they were Daryl's group. The bike comes to a stop closer to the group and I'm already tearing my bag from beneath the grey-haired woman, who grunts in protest. Other voices call out in questions and warnings as they spot me. I have to move faster. The guardrail to the woods was only three strides away when I heard the click of a gun behind my head. Well, ain't this a bitch. I turn to find a man with slightly curly, short, brown hair and a slight beard holding a pretty silver revolver to my chest. I roll my eyes with a exasperated sigh and put my hands up, my bag falling to the ground.

"Man, what the hell is this. I told Daryl here I would leave as soon as we got out of the forest." I snap at the man and Daryl, very irritated. I just wanted to get on the road again and away from all these people.

"You were quite close to our camp, the farm, and I don't like that. You coulda been helping Randall." the man says, clicking back the hammer of his gun. He had a certain air about him and the way he held himself was like that of the service. A cop maybe? Doesn't matter. He can and will shoot me if I make one wrong twitch.

"Who the fuck is Randall? I've been out there since Hershel patched me up a month back." I hiss in his face. I scan the group as I mentioned the old man. Maybe they made it out?

The man looks back at someone behind him. I lean to the side to follow his gaze. Hershel, Maggie, and Beth are huddled together in a hug not too far back. judging by their tears, the rest of their family was gone. They're being eaten back at the farm. Poor bastards. Otis was a ditz but he was good. I'd miss him. Maggie spots me as the murmuring of the others around rick grow louder. Her eyes light up as she leaves the huddle to get to me.

"Rick! Wait! I know her!" She tells the man, stepping in front of me. Rick. Another name to the many faces of this group. Rick adjusts his grip on his revolver but lowers it slightly.

"Mags, what the hell you doin? This man looks as if he's ready to shoot us both." I hiss, giving her shoulder a slight shove. Maggie doesn't listen and stands her ground in front of me. I roll my eyes- dumb girl. Rick lowers his gun completely as Hershel comes up, a warm smile on his face. He was a good man. Naïve but good-hearted. He believes the dead are just sick and can be fixed. I was not too fond of it at first but went along with it for his sake.

"Rick, don't hurt her. She's not a threat." He says. My eyes went wide. Not a threat? Like hell I wasn't a threat. He also knew it. He was bluffing for my sake. I'll take them all if need be and walk away injured but proud. He knew I would and could.

"Fine. But we don't know her and I don't trust her. I'm cuffing her and that's final." Rick states as he pulls cuffs from his belt. Maggie protests but Hershel agreed with Rick. I frown in annoyance. What a shit day this has become. I glare at Carol as she grabs my stuff and takes my weapons. Rick cuffs my hands behind my back and pushes me forward. I walk where he leads, passing many murmuring people with my head held head low to hide my smile. Rick pops the trunk of a car and shoves me in after blindfolding me with a cloth. It was a little much but I get it. boy, do they not see it coming though. Should have checked everywhere on me.


I was in the trunk for what felt like hours before the car came to a stop. I had run out of games to play in my head long before and had really grown bored. I heard voices and muffled shouting outside before somebody opened the trunk, and I was pulled out by yet another stranger, a Chinese boy. This guy had an innocent air about him but despite that he was still another stranger in a group holding me in cuffs. I walk in the direction he pushes me. The group of people was starting to make camp in what looked like ruins. Boy oh boy, I can't wait to get out of here! These people obviously don't care about a thing called safety. Especially with youngers with them. The boy shoves me into a sitting position in a corner of the ruins away from everyone else but close enough to keep an eye on me. I glare at him as he walks away to join the others. I roll my neck as I pull my secret tools from where I wedged them inside the lining of my belt. I was so focused on my lock picking that I hadn't realized an argument had begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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