Chapter 1: Seemingly Regular

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"For Christ's sake," muttered Aspen under her breath in a soft Australian accent while slamming her palm on the snooze button of her alarm, "I should not be having to wake up this early to go to a school I hate."

Aspen James, a 16 year-old girl from the town of Cairns, Australia was your average school-hating teen, she attended Cairns State High School alongside her younger twin brothers Christian and Josiah and basically the rest of the community she grew up with.

Her model-like appearance set her aside from the other teenagers in Cairns, her perfect sun-kissed complexion, blue eyes and chocolate-brown hair which shone in the sun's rays were envied by every girl who lay their eyes upon her- something Aspen surprisingly did not like.

Unfortunately someone who you'd expect to be the 'Popular' girl in High School was actually bullied, alone and kept to herself. You see, it was known that Aspen had an immense passion for the unknown, she constantly researched forgotten places, myths, conspiracy theories- you know the sort. But this hadn't exactly gained her popularity points throughout the years.
"Aspen sweetie, come downstairs and get your breakfast, we're all waiting on you!" Shouted her mother- making the whole house shake as though a miniature earthquake had hit just their home.

In her usual morning grump, Aspen quickly combed her hair and got dressed, went downstairs and was met with the snide glares of her brothers, and not even a glance from either parent. Her plan, as always, was to grab a breakfast bar and head out of the door.

Aspen's parents weren't known to be the nicest of folk, her mother Anaiya was an Emergency Doctor, and was rarely home. Her father on the other hand was made redundant years ago and just surfs all day everyday- he was rarely home too. Not ideal for a child.

It took about an hour to walk to school, something Aspen actually enjoyed as it gave her a chance to breathe and relieve the stress she endured at home every morning. She chose to take the path which led through the forest by her home rather than along the main road as it was more private and peaceful, plus the vines that caressed the trees and the gentle flowing of the river seemed magical to her- it was like walking through a whole different world.

Although she had taken that same path for years and years, she had never actually followed the river to its end or properly explored the forest, she'd only set foot in their to get to and from her school. Aspen had always wondered what she'd find, but her colossal load of homework due to her taking on so many additional classes never allowed her to take an hour or so to explore- it was always straight to school and straight back home for her.

When she finally reached school she was met by a group of girls who had always had a problem with her, she didn't know why, but they hated her- and that was that.

"Hey freak," shouted a tall blonde girl who Aspen was sure was called Chastity, "found your magical land yet?" Chastity seemed pretty pleased with her simplistic comment and walked away giggling with her group of cronies.

"Yeah Aspen, why don't you just fuck off to Atlantis?" Exclaimed one of Chastity's friends, looking around at her friends hoping to gather a fit of laughter from them- but of course they aren't smart enough to understand her joke, so Aspen ignored them and set off straight to first period.

She had never understood why being interested in the unknown was grounds for insults and bullying- it would get her further than hair and beauty.

The school day tended to go pretty quickly, Aspen was a straight A student so classes flew by for her, understanding things with ease gave her time to daydream about what she was really interested in- finding a hidden city.

Of course it sounds ridiculous, in order to find a hidden city you have to either be a scientist or incredibly lucky, and Aspen was neither unfortunately, but a girl can dream, right?

"ASPEN." Bellowed her Math's teacher, "seeing as you are clearly too smart to be paying attention, can you tell me who's triangle we are using for Binomial Expansion?" Asked Mr Tilter smugly.

In shock after being called out, Aspen also very smugly replied, "That would be Pascal's Triangle sir."

Slowly turning red in the face, Mr Tilter did not seem as impressed as he should have been.

"Leave my classroom." He shouted,

"But wh—" Aspen stuttered anxiously,


Shocked, yet partially relieved she got to leave Maths early, Aspen collected her things and left the classroom, it was nearly the end of the school day anyways so she figured she may as well just go home early and get a head start on her homework.

Although it was still bright outside, the walk home was always quite eerie, maybe it was because in the morning she knew no one would be about at 6am and therefore felt safer- but now she didn't feel so safe. Or alone.

Suddenly becoming wary of her surroundings, her pace began to speed up as the fear of someone being near her grew, but then she paused. Why rush home?

Aspen had an issue with feeling unwanted in her own home, her mother never asked how her day had gone, her father never even gave her a second look- and lets not get started on her two younger brothers. No one was expecting her home so why not explore- it was her escape after all.

Anxiously, yet excitedly, Aspen sauntered down the wooded-path which seemed to go on for miles, suddenly something sped past her right side causing her to jump and pause.

"He- hello?" Whispered Aspen, clearly not loud enough for anyone to hear if they were present.

She slowly walked forward when something caught her eye, the river seemed far more blue and glistened far more brightly in the sun- like tanzanite. This urged her to walk closer towards it and go off the path without her even realising, it was just, so. Intriguing.

Step after step Aspen couldn't control her movements- it was like something wanted her to edge forward; to see what was over there. But all of a sudden her ankle became twisted in what seemed like vines.

But they were moving.

Getting tighter.

Panic flooded through Aspen's body, her foot, she couldn't get it loose. She tugged and tugged but she was getting no where, the force of trying to pull it out threw her to the ground and then. Darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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