Don't Let Go...Don't Look Down

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Often suspension bridges were constructed for a variety of reasons, whether it be to provide access to a new location to film from or just as a convenient way to get from point A to point B. It was the latter reason that a new bridge had been strung and only been open and in use for a little less than a week. It had been carefully tested and retested multiple times but no one knew of the substandard quality of the materials and practices of the company used to install the temporary suspension bridge. The company had been able to skirt around rules and regulations since money was being passed under the table, left and right, amongst the owners and those who often inspected their work. The company's bid hadn't exactly been the lowest but the tentative date for completion best met the brief window of time set by the construction crew at IAC and they were hired.

To save time and money, several of the IAC crew members were used in the steps prior to the main construction and one of the more popular men was affectionately known around the camp as Geoff "the gentle giant" Vincent. At 6 foot 6 inches, the man towered above everyone on set and very easily dwarfed Ant and Dec, who had nick named the man "the gentle giant" soon after being introduced to him when the show premiered some 15 years ealier. The stark differences in height had served as the butt of many jokes and stunts during the first series and, near the end of the first week of filming, Dec had come up with the moniker "Geoff the Gentle Giant" when he had witness the man playing with not only his own small children but those of several other technicians during a picnic which family members of crew workers had been invited to in Ant's honor for his birthday. There had been much squealing and screams of laughter and, at one point, director Chris Power had kiddingly said that Dec needed to watch out or he'd be mistaken as one of the kids which prompted Geoff to easily lift the much slighter man off the floor in a mock attempt to hold him on his hip. From that moment on, Dec's nick name for the man was born and, in the following weeks, different variations had come about before Triple G or TG for short, stuck like glue.

During the next 14 series, the man's size had served as an asset to the slightly built Geordies...reaching high objects no longer were an issue if TG were around. He had even been included in a few of their skits when heavy lifting was needed or if one of the boys needed to be carted off for a punch line. It was also during this time that both Ant and Dec developed a good friendship with the crew member and had often been invited out to his home for the occasional home cooked meal at least twice each series. All in all, both presenters were more than glad to count the gentle giant as their good friend.

"Cut, cut!!" director Chris Power shouted out as he and several of those working to film a short skit for a link raced down a steep embankment to kneel at the side of the young man splayed out, face first on the rocky ground of the gully. On Dec's other side, Ant was bent over his friend, frantically asking if he were okay.

"Aye," Dec answered breathlessly since the tumble down the embankment had temporarily knocked the breath right out of him. He slowly attempted to push himself up onto his hands and knees, only to fall back onto his chest with a pain filled yelp, wincing as sharp rocks dug into the tender scraped and bruised flesh.

"Me wrist!" he cried out trying to cradle his left arm only to find it impossible since he was lying in such an awkward position.

Moments later, with help from Ant and Chris, Dec managed to turn his body so that he could set his bottom on the rocks while being encouraged to not look at his hands or his knees since blood was sluggishly oozing from both areas as well as through his shirtsleeves and chest. He was a right mess. Ant gently touched Dec's rapidly swelling left wrist only to quickly apologize when he friend yelled out in pain.

Above the group, Bob was being radioed to come to their location and he arrived several minutes later, accompanied by fellow medics Jared Kingsley and Bert Hemsley. Between the three of them, they managed to get an embarrassed, yet quite shaky Dec back up the embankment after a quick once over.

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