Chapter 2 - Where's Jamie?

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Haley and Nathan were playing with Jamie in the park. Haley was watching Nathan and Jamie playing football kicking the ball to one another when Nathan all of a sudden kicked it a little too hard and it went flying.
Jamie quickly ran after it. "Why'd you do that?" Haley asked Nathan as he stated walking over to her.
"I didn't mean to... I just reacted." He replied seeing her roll her eyes at his answer. "You enjoying yourself?"
"Yeah. It's great seeing my boys playing." When she looked around and noticed Jamie still wasn't back the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. "Nathan, where's Jamie?" She asked standing up.
"He's over ther-" he started then realised he wasn't.
"JAMIE!? JAMIE?!" They were both screaming.
Meanwhile... (Jamie POV)
I went running after the ball and when I finally grabbed it I noticed a really pretty flower that my mummy would love so I went to pick it up. Mummy won't mind if I'm a little late back. Went through my mind mum will love this flower. So as I get closer to the flower I notice that there are more of them so I'm slowly walking to get them.  Then someone taps my shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Asked a very kind warm voice.
"Picking flowers for my mummy."
"Does she know where you are?"
"She thinks I'm getting my ball back."
"Oh, lets get you back then... what does your mummy look like?"
"Uhhh... pretty? Brown hair."
(Back to NPOV)
Haley and Nathan are asking every single person they see if they've seen Jamie whilst screaming his name.
"Nathan I can't find him! What do we do?"
"I don't know Hales."
(Random woman POV)
I'm walking around with this little boy who is showing me where his parents last were and when we get to this disheveled looking picnic towel and food. I'm about to ask him if he can see him when I see a young woman looking distraught and finding comfort in the arms of a much taller young man. Maybe that's his sister. I think. But that gets scratched from my ideas when I hear Jamie scream: "MUMMY!" I see the young woman turn a full 180 and open her arms wide crying her eyes out as Jamie bundles into her arms. "Where were you Jamie? I was so worried."
"I got you these mummy. They pretty just like you." Jamie says quietly and my heart melts.
"That's very sweet of you Jame, but please next time get me or daddy and we'll take you. Okay?" I notice that Jamie goes into the arms of his father and his mum walks over and says. "Thank you so much."
"No worries, I've been there they are just so curious. Run off all the time."
"Yeah I'm gathering that this is actually the first day we both have no lessons at college. Didn't think it would turn into a massive 'find your son' party."
"Don't worry, your doing great." I reassure her and walk away. When I'm further away I turn back to see the young family, the young mum gathered up Jamie in her arms and once again finding comfort in the arms of her man. I turn back smiling to myself wishing them luck.

*sorry this is, in my eyes a bad story, but I couldn't really think of anything. But I think I got the point across*

AU Naley picking up Jamie from school/places and get mistaken for siblingsWhere stories live. Discover now