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Most people fear spiders, thunderstorms, heights, normal stuff like that; so is it strange that my biggest fear at the moment are of nurses?

Now, I fully understand that nurses are people who save lives daily; they're there to help doctors when we need medical attention. But I promise if you were in my position right now, you'd be just as terrified. Of nurses.

I'm not ashamed to say so.

After staying in Bea's for who-knows-how-long I noticed her heart monitor was gradually beating faster and faster. Being the naïve person, I found myself being, when I was with Bea, in place. I got my hopes up and thought that maybe she would wake up. Instead, a team of nurses rushed in with what I heard them call a crash cart and I got shoved out of the room.

Since the rooms didn't actually have 4 walls, but instead 3 solid walls and a large glass widow acting as a wall, I could see everything that was going on in the room.

The solid beep on her heart monitor had transformed into a straight line, telling everyone that her heart wasn't beating anymore, at least not properly. The nurses had taken specific items off the crash cart that looked like they could kill her just by placing it on her fragile body.

I pressed my face to the glass to somehow feel that I was closer to her. At moments like these I forgot all the practice that I had from being famous. When you're famous you have to make sure to hide all of your negative emotions in front of the cameras and fans. They can't know you're every sad because apparently, no famous person can ever have any other emotion than happy because they have everything. It's just like being a clown. You don't know the expression behind the make-up.

I hate people who label certain people as 'famous'. It doesn't make their personality change, fame isn't some mask that one wears when they become 'famous'. But at the same time it is. You have to do everything for the media and the fans. You have to become this perfect image, so they don't ruin your reputation. It's like I'm back in high school (the few years I did experience), you have to do anything to keep your reputation. Reputation is all anybody cares about, and if you screw up once, you're screwed.

My emotions were everywhere. I didn't even notice that I was screaming for them to stop, while banging on the glass wall. I didn't notice the tears falling down my face, so I didn't bother to wipe them. The only thing I could concentrate on was Bea.

Her body jolted upwards when the nurses places the two objects: the ones that passed shock, on her body. Her heart monitor was still unmoving and that started to worry me, as well as the nurses. Placing the flat objects on her chest once again, her body jolted forward once again from whatever they were doing.

"Stop it! You're hurting her!" I screamed at the nurses who didn't seem to hear me. The team of nurses repeated this procedure two more times and only stopped once they saw that her heart monitor was beeping once again. Placing a shaky hand over my heart, I tried to calm myself down, mostly relieved. Leaving the tears on my face, I burst into the room, rushing to Bea's side.

"What just happened?" I asked, trying to sound angry but my voice came out small and weak -both things I were at the moment.

"She had a heart attack." She informed.

"Do you know what caused this?" I asked, panicked.

"We aren't sure, heart attacks occur for multiple reasons."

"Umm....I'd really like to know what's going on. May I please talk to one of her doctors?" I was done with not being aware of anything that was going on. I needed to know how her condition was and what was wrong, and I'd do anything to find out. I would pay all the money in the world to make her better. To be able to hear her voice, or see her eyes.

I couldn't deny that I was scared. I was so scared that I could pee my pants at any moment. My fear was so big that I don't think I would be able to cope with it any longer if I didn't know what was happening. I needed the truth.

"Mr. Styles, we have news for you." Dr. Cameron said minutes later, appearing in the room. Simply nodding my head, I squeezed Bea's hand a little bit harder, still putting my full attention on the female doctor standing in front of me.

"On terms you would understand," she started "it's like a rash, a rash inside her body. Slowly spreading from major organ to major organ. This 'rash' reached her heart, which caused the attack."

Trying to fully understanding what she was trying to tell me I just nodded my head for her to continue. When she didn't I said "All I want to know is, what you are going to do to fix it? How long will it take for her to recover?"

"The problem here Mr. Styles is that we have no idea what's causing the it, so we aren't 100% sure what to do to improve her condition."

"What? How can you not know this? This is your job." I seethed. How could she not know what was going on? Wasn't there supposed to be a whole team of doctors working on her case? And if there wasn't, why not? This should be their first priority, to get Bea better, since she seems to be in the worst condition, in my eyes.

"For now we have her on antibiotics and we're going to have to transfer her to a cold room to prevent the rash from spreading." She explained, completely ignoring my question.

I found myself getting angry at this doctor. It was her job to diagnose her patient and then treat them, so why haven't they found out what's wrong? They did their tests, now she just needs medication to heal and come back home.

"So if you don't find out what's causing this 'rash' what will happen?" I asked.

"She'll die."


Well that just happened😕

Guys I just wanna say that I'm sorry. I know I haven't updated for a while but I have my reasons so don't get upset. This chapter was blehck but hope you enjoyed anyways.

PIcture on the side of....nothing really, that's just funny right there....and totally true.

νσммєηт мє ρℓєαѕє <3

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