One in a lifetime oppertunity

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                                 Danielle's POV

    Sara and I were on our way to school when this really cute guy , Dustin , came over and walked with us. It wasn't until we got to the stop sign that he started to talk. He said ,"umm Keilani do u want to go out sometime?"


  Sara looked at me weird and said ," could I talk to her for a second? Keilani you know that I have had a huge crush on him for who knows how long. Dont say yes or this friendship is over!!"

     Right after she said that I thought that I was disobeying the best friend code and I was but I just wanted to push it to the limits when I really shouldn't have. I told him yes. Then I looked at Sara and I could tell that she was going to hurt me either physically or mentally . I hope that she knew that I was just pulling her leg.

    I ran into her at school that same day . Then I realized that she was flirting with the boy that I like ,Enrique, just to make her more jealous I grabbed Dustin and kissed him. She gave me this evil look. I smirked . Well I guess that I have a boyfriend that I don't even like Sara thought.

                  Sara's POV

Keilani and I were on our way to school when the really cute boy I like ,Dustin ,came over and he asked Keilani out . After Keilani new she was breaking the bff code she still said yes.

I ran into her at school with Dustin so I went grabbed Douglas and started to flirt with him. Keilani saw and out if the blue kissed him . I was so mad! I couldn't express my fealings so I just gave a dirty look and she smirked .?

       Bye the time that I got home from school I could notice that I was being sabotaushed I had notes every where . My first thought was that it was Sara but then I read the notes and realized that my arch nemesis , Makayla , she knew we were going out so she asked my mom to come in for a second. I read  note and it said that he was cheating on me with someone else. I was actually starting to like him and he was cheating on me .

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