The Vow (Chapter One)

Start from the beginning

“I am sure that no matter how old we are, we will always seek out your wisdom and guidance.”

Lord Brogan chuckled.

“You need not attempt to comfort me, Finan. I am well pleased with the men my sons have

become. I am at peace for I know that, whatever might befall you, the bonds of brotherhood that you share will keep you safe.” Lord Brogan’s eyes lifted to meet Finan’s. “Never forsake those bonds. Not for any man or woman – not even for a kingdom.”

Finan was perplexed by the sudden seriousness of Lord Brogan’s tone.

“Lord Brogan?”

The serious light in the older man’s eyes disappeared and he smiled again.

“Look! I can see Valrek.”

They had cleared the trees and were on a rise, all of Valrek lay before them, stretched out for inspection. The village itself stood on a hill, surrounded by a wooden wall that was itself ringed with a network of fearsome wooden spikes, angled dangerously in defence. The fields surrounding the hill were well kept, though at present fallow, the grass limp and bruised by frost and thaw. The river curved through the peaceful landscape, its waters the same leaden grey of the sky.

Rafe pulled Adele closer to him, tilting her head to the side and leaning his cheek against hers.

“What do you think of your new home, my lady?”

“I think that my lord’s description fell far short of the reality.”

“Is that a good or a bad thing?”

“My lord may decide for himself.”

Rafe grinned.

“How do you like the defences? Finan and I designed them.”

He watched as Adele wrinkled her brow as if in profound thought.

“They are terrifying; I would never think to raise an army against you. However they are also very ugly.”

“War is ugly, not that you need fear attack. Valrek has not been sieged since my grandfather’s time.” Rafe smiled and kissed her forehead. “So you see that the fearsomeness of our defences has a purpose.”

“I can believe it; I shall feel very safe behind that wall.”

Adele cuddled closer and Rafe felt a shiver run through her small frame. In all the troubles they had faced, not once had Adele shown fear or anxiety. Now Rafe wondered if he had been blind to her unease. Had she felt vulnerable after all? He cursed sharply and turned her to face him. Adele clutched at his arms as her balance shifted and lifted wide blue eyes to his.

“You have no need to be fearful of anyone or anything, Adele. I would never let anyone hurt you, I swear it!”

Her lips softened in to a smile and her cold, slim fingers twined with his. She shook her head.

“I never was fearful for myself, Finn, but so very afraid for you.”

“For me? Why would you be worried for me?”

Adele smiled, lifting her hand to touch his cheek.

“Because you do not have sense enough to worry for yourself! Only think; I have you to see that no harm befalls me, but who will protect you?”

Rafe looked rather revolted.

“Why do you suppose I have trained every day since my fourth year? I have no need of someone to protect me, I am well able to protect myself.”

Adele remained silent, but Rafe perceived that his words had not comforted her. He struggled awkwardly for something more to say, until he felt a tear fall on his hand.

“Do not cry, Adele! Truly I cannot see what I have said to upset you!”

“Daegmund says that Lord Kyule hates you with so much fire that he will not rest until he has killed you.”

Rafe felt a considerable amount of irritation toward the absent Lord Gradock, flood through his veins. Had that unfortunate man been present, Rafe would have had no compunction in drawing blood.

“I shall break his meddling neck.”

“I beg your pardon, Finn? I did not hear you.”

Rafe unclenched his jaw and forced a smile.

“Daegmund is nothing more than a worrying old woman.”

Adele frowned at this assessment, but forbore to point out that prudence was not a characteristic that coloured the Gradocks’ vivid personalities.

“All will be well, as you will soon see. With Rand watching Kyule in Mercia, and Leofric attending to King Ine and seeing that the court remains peaceful, there will be no opportunity for hostilities.”

Adele nodded in recognition of the wisdom behind his words, yet could not quite put the fear of retribution behind her. She knew, perhaps better than anyone, how one man’s hate could lead to terrible destruction.


Hi everyone!

Yay!!! It's finally here!!!

This is book 2 in The Lady Quill Chronicles and it's Finan's story. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. For those of you who haven't read the first book, The Promise, the link is below.

The Lady Quill Chronicles The Promise - Wattpad

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