Bitch tf

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DragDray: bitch tf you in POTIONS

BlaiseBaby: awwww I love ya BITCH
I ain't never gonna stop lovin ya BItCH

Draco giggled slightly,all saddened thoughts quickly leaving his mind.Draco noticed Blaise did that alll the timeee.He couldn't help but laugh at Blaise's worthless attempts at being hilarious.THAT was hilarious.


BlaiseBaby:u just telling me you and stinky pottah is over and continuing to live on is IConIc

DragDray: What ya gonna do?Soak it up.

BlaiseBaby: wow kinKy

DragDray: u bEtta sTop

BlaiseBaby is typing.....

BlaiseBaby:Hello Mr.Malfoy.This is the Potions teacher and I sincerely appreciate if you stop texting BlaiseBaby.Thank you.

Blaise's cheeks reddened as the whole class looked over at him as he handed the teacher his phone.The teacher seemed to text something to Dray but his mind was focused partially on his current mild humiliation and Draco.One of those things always popped up in his mind.He was kindly given his phone back after a few more awkward seconds and was asked to leave it in his pocket.He nodded and let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding.Thank Merlin,how would he be able to comfort Draco with his witty comedy without a phone?Sure talking was an option but blushing every two seconds was NOT what he wanted.

Draco looked down at the phone,cheeks slightly tinted pink.He was tempted to text him but feared he would be caught again.He sighed,Blaise was his music.Impeccably beautiful making Draco tune out the cruel world around him and let himself be himself.It was refreshingly exotic and Draco would do anything to feel that feeling again.To feel Blaise hugging him was also good.
He looked down at the phone and watched in surprise as his phone flashed ,the notification catching him by shock.

BlaiseBaby is typing...

This is way longer than my other posts and I'm proud.What do you think of this adorable relationship???Also,R.I.P. VINE 😪🤧🤧😓😓😱😱😤😤🙏🙏
Request what should happen soon!Ill be definitely including Pansy (sassy Pansy ofc) and she'll know all bout it and AghhHhh the writer will make the writer get emm feelssss
I'll be doing pansy x Hermione x Ron cuz it's honestly so fuckin adorable and WOwWw I can feel all the ideas comin to me like
Fr tho,REQUEST!!!!!
-S.C. Gay ass OUT

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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