Scars of a dream

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Chapter 1

"What the hell are you doing?!" , I whispered loudly to Mathew.

We were actually running away from our hostels in the middle of the night , us four friends , Mathews , Ashley , Ryan and I. Although we were strictly not permitted , we still took the urge to sneak out to the cinema in order to watch Fast & Furious 6. I was totally not missing that movie as the franchises were my favourite. We were trying out bests to slip out quietly without anyone knowing. We had to climb up the wall of the gate as the gate was locked , we took us hell a lot of time for each one of us to climb. Mathew kept on falling down , we all understood why , he was an obesity problem. We finally managed to reach the cinema. We bought four movie tickets and started proceeding towards the hall. We were settling on our seats when I noticed a tall , balde , fair skinned guy with spectacles , he was somehow familiar , I recognised him.

"Isn't that Mr.Dean?", I asked Ryan.

"Oh shit! That's him!", Ryan shouted.

He was loud enough for that monster to hear us. He turned around only to face us , he frowned at us. As he was our principal , it meant that we were in serious trouble. In order not to make it worse , we straight ran out of the hall , we ran , we ran for our lives. None of us were now not concerned about the movie. We ran nonstop and by the time we reached our hostel , we were out of breath. We couldn't even go to sleep , our stomachs wobbling , knowing what is definitely going to happen tomorrow.

We were called to the Mr.Dean's office right when reached college. Four of us stood beside each other in a line. Mr.Dean kept looking past us and looked straight at Ryan.

"Why did you all sneak out late night to watch a movie? You knew you weren't allowed", he asked.

"Sir , how was the movie?", Mathew asked.

Three of us bursted out laughing , Mathew may have had the dare to ask this question , but believe me , he was sweating so much.

"Quiet!", Mr.Dean shouted.

All of us then went silent within no time.

He then continued, "I am sure you won't be laughing on your way back home".

"I am sorry?", Ashley asked.

"Oh no , don't be , cause all four of you are expelled", he announced.

"What!", we all said in illusion.

"This is my finally decision , pack your bags and then wait for your parents at the reception", he ordered.

We didn't utter a word , we were all outraged at his decision. this was totally ridiculous , we sneak out at night to the cinema , and this freak old man expells us all for a movie and thanks to him , we at last couldn't watch it. We were leaving the office when Mr.Dean stopped me.

"Daisy?", he asked.

"Yes sir?", I asked.

"I am very sorry", he apologised.

"That's ok", I said.

"My secretary Lucy will drop you home", he said.

"Yes sir", I said and left the room.

"I can't believe this!", said Ashley.

"Yeh", I sighed.

"What will your dad say?", Ashley asked.

"Don't know", I said , wondering.

"My parents will shut my electronics and TV for a whole month", said Mathew.

"Yeh , mines will be very upset , but we will get along soon", said Ryan.

"Same", said Ashley.

" Daisy!", Lucy was calling me with a car ready.

"Okay guys listen , I have to go now, but I will stay in touch , okay?", I said.

"Ok", said all three.

"Fine then", I gave everyone a hug.

"We will all miss you so much", Ashley said. This conversation was now becoming too emotional.

"Me too", I said and we four gave one last group hug.

I left the room and went downstairs. Lucy was sitting behind the car with the driver in the front. I walked towards the car and Lucy came out to help me with my stuff , I had a lot. My friends called me from the room and I waved them goodbye before going inside the car. Lucy say beside me and we drove off to the train station. We reached and Lucy got two tickets for both of us. The train was here and we walked towards it. We sat inside the train , Lucy was sitting beside me , it was a seven hour journey , so I was going to be damn bored , but something inside me was eating me up , a wonder of that yes , I am going back home , but , will my dad welcome me back after ten years? Or will he be that same old angry dad I left seeing? It was obvious that he won't be happy as I came back due to being expelled , but he should at least forgive me. I was pretty much scared and eager to know what was going to happen with me. And with that fear , I fell asleep.

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