Wish You Were Here

168 20 35

I stand here,

at my window.

Where are you?

I stand here,

staring at the sky,

and imagine,

the stars,

are your eyes.

I stand here,

listening to the ocean,

and imagine,

the waves,

are your laugh.

I stand here,

feeling the breeze,

and imagine

the wind's caress,

are your fingers.

I stand here,

at my window,

where are you?

I wait here,

at my window,

and wonder,


I'm looking out my window,

you still haven't come,

up the stony path you've traveled on so many times before.

I'm sitting now,

still waiting at my window.

Waiting to feel your real hands.

For you to laugh at my worries.

To see the light of love ignite in your eyes when you look at me.

I stand here at my window,


Why won't you come? 

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