Chapter 14: My past {part 1}

Start from the beginning

"No... DADDY PLEASE DONT DO THIS!!" She finally broke as her emotions quickly started spilling out with her mother smiling in glee "HAHA SHE FINALLY BROKE!! That whore of a slut finally broke!! LOOK!! She actually has emotions now!!"

Her laugh echoed throughout the room "don't get too rough on her, I'll need to use her to get my raise remember that!" Her mother said directed towards her father "I'll try~ after all what man can't get rough with her~?"

The woman looked pissed very much so she smashes a vase towards a wall "YOU SLUT YOU EVEN DARE TO SEDUCE YOUR FATHER IN FRONT OF YOUR MOTHER?! Be glad I'm not hurting you now!" She said as she started to storm off

"Mommy! Please don't leave me! Please!! Alice promises to be good! " the mother doesn't even give her child a look as she stormed off completely leaving the two alone in the room "mommy... please..." tears continuously fall on her small face like a waterfall

She only had one thing in her mind and that was 'Why? Can't we go back to what we once were?'

She was quickly brought out into the real world as a voice echoed throughout her ears "Even your father? Hey baby girl what did your mother meant? You couldn't have been with another man other than your daddy right~? RIGHT?!" Her father quickly hardens his hold onto her small slender arms and finally a cracking sound echoed

"AHH!!" Alice screamed in pain as one of her arms finally broke her face full in anguish and pain from both the pain she felt on her and and on her shattering heart

"Daddy's sorry baby's girl!" Her father quickly tried to calm her "but don't worry daddy will make you feel good quickly okay? It might hurt at first but you'll love it soon enough-" an evil and perverted grin is plastered on his face "that you'll be begging for me more!" He finally finished his sentence as he quickly raised his hand up towards her chest

"No!! Please no!! Don't do this!! THIS IS WRONG DADDY AND YOU KNOW IT!!" She screamed in protest as she continually kicked him with her small slender legs now getting slowly bruised

"Your hurting daddy baby girl!" He quickly said as he grabbed one of them and quickly dislocated it with a snap echoing into the closed off room

"AHHHH!!" Another painful scream left, her body getting weak from the pain as well as her heart towards her father

"There~ now lets continue shall we baby girl?" A sly and perverted grin is yet plastered into her fathers face

Her clothes were ruthlessly ripped into shreds showing her small petite body with her father licking his lips pervertedly

"Ah~ you look so amazing baby girl... your making daddy hard do you know that?" He quickly started placing on kisses on her slender and fragile neck as Alice shiver in fear and disgust

"No... please no..." Alice tried to plead again with her voice weak as a mosquito from all the screaming and pain

Her father just continues to smile at her pain as he slowly lowered his head directed to her petite bodies chest but before he could go any further the door suddenly bashes open with the police holding up their guns directed towards Alice's father

"DON'T MOVE OR WE'LL SHOOT!!" One of the officers said as he signaled the other one to cuff her farther "You are under arrest and have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law" the second officer said as he quickly dragged him off

"DONT TOUCH ME!! She's mine! She's my baby girl!!" The father who's half naked with only his pants on tried to protest only getting a taser gun shot at him and with another officer helping the other officer get him into the car

The officer whom went in first took off his jacket and quickly and gently placed it on top of Alice's almost naked body with only her panty as her only clothing left as her favorite dress gifted by her parents torn into shreds

"I'm sorry..." the officer said guilty at her as he slowly carried her out of the room out of their house "call for an ambulance for the little girl now!" He ordered on of the officers and soon enough people started to swarm he area with the officers tying to calm them down

"How pitiful..."

"Such a little girl having such a monstrous father!"

"No wonder she's like that... it must be her fathers fault!"

"Yeah! But where's the mother? Did she just left a while ago?"

"Omg don't tell me she knew but didn't do anything?!"

The voices of the her neighbors and strangers continued to echo in her ears and in her head, her heart felt hurt and betrayed and confused

Why did she have to go through something like that? Did she deserve it? If so then why? What wrong did she do?

An ambulance finally came in and a woman quickly and gently took Alice away from the officers arms and directly towards the ambulance as she started to check her for any more injuries

"Poor child... you have so many bruises and wounds... you even have a dislocated knee and a broken arm, someone like you shouldn't go through something like that!" Her voice was loud so the people surrounding them quickly started to whisper again this time more lively

"Did her mother abuse her too?? What a demon!!!"

"They shouldn't have had a child if they would do that!! What's the point on having a child if you can't even love it?!"

"She should have had a lovely childhood but now all that seems broken because of her own parents!"

"How can they do this to her? With the mother even knowing her child will be defiled by her own father too!!"

Reincarnated as a fox?! (THIS IS CANCELLED BUT IM MAKING A NEW ONE)Where stories live. Discover now