I Remember You Guys!

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*** I forgot to mention this before, but Sephiroth is going to be SOOOO out of character. I don't know about you, but I think Sephiroth kinda acting like Zack is funny. But he won't be THAT out of character, I promise...unless you want him to be :) ***


Safe. That's how Sephiroth felt right now. Nothing in the world could upset him. It felt like he was flouting on a cloud of kittens. Literal kittens. He felt safe and surrounded by softness, but whatever he was laying on was so lumpy. And he wished it would stop moving.

He really didn't want to, but he peeked open one of his green eyes. Not two inches from his face two brilliant glowing blue eyes stared back at him.

"Cloud?" He whispered.

The eyes squinted in confusion and what might have possibly been rage. "Who the fuck is 'Cloud'?" Even the voice was dripping in venom. But it was much deeper then the blonds.

Frowning, Sephiroth pushed the man back a bit to take in his appearance. Understanding the quiet demand to get off him, the man flipped his auburn hair out of his face in annoyance. The single earring hanging from his ear caught the artificial light in the room. The red leather that he was wrapped in flapped against his legs as he walked to the other end of the couch and picked up a blood red rapier.

Sephiroth knew this man.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" The red head demanded.

The silverette couldn't help but smile. A full ear to ear smile that must have creeped the man out because Sephiroth would never do such a thing! "Genesis!" He squealed as he flew off the couch and wrapped the man in a bone crushing hug that lifted his feet off the ground. "I missed you so much!"

The door burst open sending another man into the room. "Who's dying? I heard weird noises." The man yelled grabbing for the huge sword at his back.

Sephiroth stopped swinging Genesis back and forth when his eyes landed on the black haired male. Angeal hadn't changed a bit since the last time the silverette saw him all those years ago. Everything was the same. Though Sephiroths memory didn't give the man justice. His black hair was smoothed back like always, and his eyes seemed to shine an even brighter shade of blue then Genesis's. It must be the hair. The silverette's eyes started to water as he smiled at the man. "Come here and give me a hug you bear of a man!" Wrapping his long arms around Angeals thick build was a bit harder then Genesis's slender frame. But he managed.

"What the hell's gotten into you?" The red head hissed as he tried in vain to straitened himself out. His hair was a mess and his clothes were wrinkled.

"Yeah, Sephiroth. Are you alright? You're not acting like yourself," Angeal's eyes were filled with concern.

Sephiroth let go of the man and tilted his head, looking at them in confusion. "What do you mean? What happened?"

Genesis threw his hands into the air and yelled, "You tell us! I came in here to apologize and before I know it you collapsed on the floor. I had to drag your heavy ass to that couch!"

"Apologize for what?" Sephiroth questioned. He searched and searched his brain, but the silverette could never remember a time Genesis apologized to him. For anything. This was new.

"Oh, no. I know what you're trying to do, and I'm not saying it again! You can't make me!" The red head yelled.

The glare Sephiroth sent Genesis would have a cadet pissing their pants. It didn't quite have that affect on the red head, but he did flinch and look away with an angry blush dusting his cheeks.

Without even turning his head to look at him Sephiroth calmly asked Angeal what happened.

The black haired man sighed. "Did you not apologize? I told you he wouldn't make you do it if you apologized." Shaking his head Angeal closed his eyes and did as he was asked. "Genesis was in a bad mood, so I thought it would be a good idea for him to let loose some stress. As Genesis and I were walking to the training rooms a cadet unexpectedly collapsed in the hall. As the boy was getting up Genesis tripped over him and started throwing a fit."

"I did not throw a fit!" The red head yelled putting extra emphasis on 'not' but Angeal ignored him to continue his story.

"He started yelling at the poor boy about laying around on the job, and how disrespectful it was to SOLDIER. The boy stammered out an apology and tried to leave, but this pissed him off even more. Genesis then proceeded to throw fire balls at the boy as he ran away. I was successful in dragging the enraged Genesis into a closest, where I told him if he apologized for attacking yet another cadet you wouldn't make him kiss Hojo."

Sephiroth calmly took in the information as it was being said. The last part made him stop and blink a couple times. Kiss Hojo? Wouldn't Genesis's face melt off if he did that? Putting that thought aside Sephiroth continued. "So what did you to two do after you came out of the closet?"

Genesis blushed before mumbling, "I'm into women, you jackass."

Angeal seemed to take no notice of the comment, "We came straight here."

"I see." Putting two and two together Sephiroth calmly walked to the door and sprint down the hall. If his suspicions were correct then Cloud was the one who passed out in the hall. Cloud came back too.


Okay, this is my second chapter. I hope you liked it. I know there's not much to it. Pretty much it's just introducing Genesis (who I LOVE) and Angeal to the story.

Let me know if I get any of the information wrong. Like how to spell names or rankings or monsters or towns.....that kind of stuff.

Comment? Vote? Please???

Time Traveler Sephiroth (discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant