Chapter 1

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-Naomi Heart-

*Buzz Buzz* *Buzz Buzz*

The annoying sound of my alarm clock kept ringing through my ears. I can't believe summer is over already I said to myself while I opened my tired eyes and stared at my alarm clock.

"Oh biscuits it's 7:30, I'm going to be late for school" I jumped off of my small yet cozy bed and rushed over to my wardrobe and grabbed a green sweater that my grandma gave to me for my birthday I decided paired it up with some orange sweatpants.

Isn't my fashion taste great!
(Note that sarcasm)

I grabbed my bag from my night stand and flung it on my back while unplugging my phone and putting in my sweatpants pocket.

I rushed through my bedroom door and closed it behind me while locking the door with a key...Don't ask why.

I made my way down the creaky stairs and speed walked to the kitchen so I could grab a piece of toast from the toaster. Just when I turned on my heels to sprint through the door before someone notices me I heard a voice I dreaded the most.

My fathers

"Ahhh Naomi just the girl I wanted to see where do you think your going?" He said while putting his coffee mug on the kitchen counter and walked closer to me.

"Ummm summer is over Dad and I have school today" I said while taking a bite from piece of toast.

"Ohhh is it" he said with a confused look on his face. "Yes it is Dad and if you keep on talking to me I'm going to be late" I said with irritation running through me voice.

"Okay kiddo have fun at school" he plastered a fake smile on his face while grabbing his coffee mug and walked into the living room. I rolled my eyes annoyed that he just wasted around 5 minutes of my time just to have a chat with his black orphan child.

Yes just in case your wandering I am adopted. My real parent died when I was five and I remember it like it just happened yesterday. I also had a twin but we got separated at the orphanage centre. I'll love to see her again but I don't think that will ever happen.

I was overjoyed when I got a new family the orphanage was horrible they treated me so much differently from the other kids just because of the colour of my skin. I was kinda overwhelmed when the social worker said someone wanted to adopt me.

But they only wanted me not my twin sister. I could either go live with this new family or stay at the orphanage home and get tortured.

I chose the new family and not my own blood. What a big mistake i made. If i could turn back time I would and choose to be with my sister. Maybe just maybe that might not have happened to me?

I wiped off the tear scrolling down my cheek and wore my overused converse on made my way to my green truck. It was a 30 minute drive to my high school.


I finally made it to my school. Welcome to hell everyone also known as Riverdale high. Some of my most embarrassing moments happened in this school.

I drove past the school and drove around the schools parking lot to find a parking space for my truck. (I hate it when there isn't a free spot.)

After another five minutes of driving around the full parking lot I decided to just park anywhere since I was already forty minutes late for class.

Can this day get any worse

Well apparently it just got worse. My eyes fall upon the schools bad boy. Kai Jones sexy as cake but one hell of a bad attitude and personality and guess what he's my crush.

Kai Jones was locking lips with the slut of this school everyone please welcome Ashley Barns. She was wearing a hot pink mini skirt with a matching tank top that barely cover her boobs.

"How did she not get dress coded" I said to myself while whacking my forehead with my palm.

Her clothes were so pink and bright it was like I was looking straight into the sun.

She's like a human barbie.

I made my way to the schools entrance while I heard a whining voice calling my name. "Hey Nerd" Ashley said taking her lips away from Kai's while running up to me, Kai following.

Authors Note

Some of you might be confused In school no one calls Naomi as her name they call her nerd instead of Naomi.

"Oh hey slut" I said confidently but my face dropped when I realised that I said that out loud.

This isn't going to end well. "What did you just say to me" she said while taking her off her heels and pushing it into Kai's hands.

"Umm I said h-hey sl-slut" I replied stuttering nervously. She walked closer to me and smiled.

She smiled why is she smiling this isn't going to end well. I closed my eyes and started praying to God that she wouldn't kill me.

I'm too young to die.

While I was in the middle of prayer I felt a slap on my face I opened my eyes and saw her smirking while kissing Kai's cheek. While Ashley was kissing Kai's cheek he said "You go girl slap that nerd back to her country"

When i heard what he said I clenched my fists and brought my fist up to her face and punched her. As for Kai I stormed up to him and kicked him where the sun don't shine. Three times before I punched his pretty face.

Did I really just say that.... ah well it is true.

I walked over to Ashley and said "So I heard they're naming a new colour after you it's called Slut red. Not very bright, but it's cheap and spreads easily" I said while winking at her and Kai and I walked into to the entrance of school and into the schools halls with a smirk plastered on my face. I heard screaming from Ashley but I decided to ignore her.

Bet they didn't see that coming.

What did you think of the first chapter please let me know in the comments. Please vote and Share

Peace x

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