How it began?

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How did I begin writing?

( if you don't like emotional mushy stuff then skip this)

At first I started on Wattpad just as a reader. I read so many stories, some good and some bad. But there was always this nagging feeling that I wanted to see the stories go another way. I started out with a Teen Wolf fanfiction but I never got to finish it because I realised it was becoming too cliche...I didn't want that.

It was after viewing Captain America: Civil War that I realised how much I wanted to be involved in the world I grew up watching on screen. Of course I was only like 15, not much I can do to get involved. This however, also gave me idea of going to college to learn about filming and writing.

I was nervous at first about writing a fanfiction that was good and had originality to it.

It took me maybe three months or more to complete my research for my character and possible plots.

Doing this much work made me appreciate writing and writers so much more. You're not just a fan anymore, suddenly you have to be an expert in science, biology, anatomy, weaponry, technology, politics, government, and so many other things.

But the most important thing besides making this story perfect, was making sure others would like it and relate to it in any way. Sure I knew not everyone was going to like it and some would call out my mistakes or put me on blast for following the movie as it is. But I moved past that eventually.

Every thought, emotion, and struggle I had was what helped me shape my character Merly.

She's not perfect. She has her flaws.

She's not always right about things. And she isn't going to have an easy time getting through life.

I wanted her to be badass and strong. So I did as much research on comics and other stuff to make sure she was built in the best way as possible.

Once I began writing her, after a very long time, almost near the end of the Captain America: Winter Soldier act of the book, I realized something.

Merly was everything I wanted to be.

She helped me come to terms with many things.

Her confidence and powers were everything I had inside but couldn't seem to let out.

I am not perfect, and I accepted it.

She was the odd one out. Her life was in two separate eras. And that's how I felt.

We have our strengths and weaknesses that people won't always like. And that's okay.

Because of her I gained confidence and accepted who I was and who I wanted to be.

I embraced the stuff I liked and was passionate about. Sure, my family and others still look at me as some childish girl who still likes superheroes. But that's because they don't see how these characters help us out through life.

Most of the plot was just things my crazy over creative imagination spit out every hour of the day. Things that I wished that I could do or have.

I saw how these writers and directors created world in to which we could escape to for a little while. A place where we felt at home and as ourselves.
And I wanted to do the same.

Merly was my little escape world. (Kind of like Ready Player One)

And for the most part it worked out. Some people didn't like it as much, but that's okay because we're all different.

And as cheesy as it might sound, Merly was my "salvation" in a way. Only god knows if I'd still be here if it weren't for her.

The feedback I received was positively amazing and it has kept me going, not just as a writer on wattpad but as a person entirely in life.

So thank you to all of my readers, especially those who have stuck around since the very beginning. We've had our good moments and our not-so-good moments too.

I love you guys so much. And it is because of you that I am still here.

So thank you.

You guys keep me going. So let's keep sharing the positivity all around us and help each other rise up.

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