Meeting the Winter

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~AN~ (Edited)

Hey, guys pretend that all the outfits I put for Crystal are Purple. As for the picture at the top, I thought I would add some Ranger humor.


Name: Crystal Oliver

Element: Winter (Ice and Snow)

Color: Purple

Zord: Penguin

Love Interest: Hunter Bradley

Friends: Hunter, Blake Tori, Shane, Dustin, Cam, Kelly

Likes: Her dad, her 'Aunts, and Uncles', her friends, music, singing, surfing, motocross

Dislikes: Bullies, Lothor and his Goons, being betrayed, liars 

~Crystal's POV~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I like to get to training early enough so I can go surfing and go to the track. OH . . . did I forget to introduce myself? I did? Oops sorry! My name is Crystal Oliver. Yes, Oliver as in Tommy Oliver who is a legendary ranger for being on at least 5 ranger teams (5 Years). He is my dad, well my adoptive dad. My parents were murdered when I was young and Tommy found me and decided to adopt me. We lived in Angel Grove for a while until we moved to Reefside 5 years ago that's when I joined the Winter Ninja Academy.

I don't know what I would do without my dad. He's the best! Back to what I was saying, I am a student at the Winter Ninja Academy, in the forest of Reefside, well the entrance portal is in Reefside anyways. Never heard of it? I don't blame you, we have about 10-20 students. We, of course, know about the academy, the alumni know and there are three Senseis who know. Sensei T'Challa the Winter Sensei, Sensei Omino the Thunder Sensei, and Sensei Watanabe the Wind Sensei.

We like to keep it that way so don't tell anyone. Got it? My dad doesn't know about me being a ninja even though I know about him being a former ranger. I can't tell him it's against the ninja code. Just like it's against the ranger code to tell someone your secret identity because then they will be in danger. Now I have to go to ninja training. 

I get into my purple 1969 Camaro

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I get into my purple 1969 Camaro. It's my first car and I love it. I drive to a trail that leads to where the entrance to the academy is. When I entered I was immediately welcomed by my fellow students and approached by Sensei T'Challa. We are a tightly-knit family here at the Winter Academy.

"Crystal, come with me please," Sensei says looking worried.

"Sure thing Sensei" I reply. We go off to a secluded area. "What's wrong Sensei?" I ask.

Sensei T'Challa looks around and then replies, "The Thunder and Wind Academies have been attacked and I'm afraid that we are next."

"What do you mean? no one knows where the academy is!" I exclaim.

Sensei T'Challa takes out a small purple wrist thing. "Take this Morpher it will come in handy."

Right after he handed the Morpher to me the sky went dark purple.

"Sensei what's going on?" I ask freaking out.

"Run Crystal, find shelter, stay safe," Sensei pleads but before I could run bubbles showed up around everyone including me and Sensei T'Challa.

"HAHAHA!! All the Ninja Academies have fallen to me!" they hear an evil voice say before they are sent to Lothor's ship.

A few hours later some weird-looking creatures, which I soon learned to be Kelzaks, came to grab and drag me away.

"No! Leave her alone!" everyone else yells. They ignore the pleas of the others and drag me to the bridge of the ship.

"Let me go you freaks?" I exclaim but quickly shut up when I see two boys staring at me. 'The blonde is pretty cute', I think. 

"Who is this?!?!" the cute one asks

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"Who is this?!?!" the cute one asks.

"Who are you?" I throw back.

Lothor steps forward and says, "Hunter, Blake this is your new partner, her parents were killed by the same Sensei." He turns to me. "You will work with them to destroy the wind rangers and their Sensei" he orders.

"I don't take orders from people who kidnap me and my academy" I snap at him. All of a sudden a beam shot out at me and my thoughts changed. Now all I can think about is how the Wind Rangers Sensei is going to pay.

"Now how do you feel?" Lothor asks. The cute boy and his friend look at me curiously.

"Like the Wind rangers and their Sensei are going down," I say to Lothor then turning to the boys, "How are we doing this?" I ask.

"First, I'm Hunter Bradley and this is my brother Blake Bradley," the cutie explains.

"Adopted?" I ask them because they don't look alike. They looked surprised at how I could figure this out when no one else could.

"Yeah, how could you tell?" Blake asks looking perplexed.

"First, I can tell by the way you don't look similar, and second it takes one to know one," I explain. I could tell they were shocked at the fact that I was in the same situation.

Hunter then asks, "Wait you're adopted too!?!?"

I respond with, "Yeah, oh by the way the name is Crystal, Crystal Oliver."

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Hunter complements.

Wait, cutie thinks I'm beautiful OMG I'm blushing too much, maybe working with them won't be that bad. We will just have to see. All three of us ninja streak down to earth to grab our Motocross gear and go to the track.

"First things first we have to get close to them to be able to get to their Sensei," Hunter says.

"Yeah then we destroy him and get revenge for our parents," Blake adds.

"Let's do this guys!" I finish, and we just observe the yellow ranger from afar. They won't know what hit them.


Hey, guys so here is the first chapter. I hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think in the comments, I love feedback. What do you guys think about Crystal and Hunter so far? I will try to update as soon as I can. Crystal's suit is similar to Tori's but purple with gold trimmings with a penguin on it. I did my best in editing a ranger outfit to fit my idea for Crystal's.



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