"Well, maybe if you hung out with everyone instead of being off by yourself things might start coming back a bit more"

"I tried that!" Jo groaned. "But it's like everyone is afraid of me or something. How can I remember how things used to be if they act weird every time I enter a room? Even Steve acts differently when I'm around."

"Maybe they're trying to figure out how to act around you"


"Hear me out" Sam stated. "You're not the Jo we all got to know the past couple years. You're someone we've never met. I don't mean this in a bad way or anything, but your kind of as much as a stranger to us as we are to you. Just try and to get to know everyone. Don't try and be the Jo we knew, just be Jo."

"How'd you get so smart?"

"I learned from the best" Sam chuckled and threw his arm around Jo's shoulders. "Now come on! Let's get a little drunk."

"I can't get drunk"

"Well, then I can get drunk!" Sam exclaimed as they headed down the stairs.

"Hey, what are you two up to?" Steve asked as Jo walked behind the bar. She poured Sam a drink and passed it to him.

"Oh, you know, just getting to know everyone again" Jo smiled and grabbed two beers, passing one to Steve. "Now, tell me stuff I don't know so I don't look like an idiot later."

"I'll leave this one to Cap, I'll be right back" Sam muttered, walking towards a woman who had obviously caught his eye.

"He hasn't changed much"

"You remember what he was like?"

"Some, you like beer, right? Or did I get that wrong?"

"I still like beer" Steve chuckled. "So, I've been looking for a place in Brooklyn,"

"Cause...Did your last apartment get destroyed? Because I vaguely remember gunshots and you flirting with a neighbor. Also, you didn't date that neighbor, did you?"

"I know Sharon is your cousin and no, I did not go on a date with her."

"Thank God!" Jo exclaimed and Steve chuckled.

"Anyways! What I wanted to know, is if you'd want to get an apartment together. Temporally of course! I thought it might be a good idea, till more of your memory comes back and you're back on your feet."

"Actually, that sounds like a pretty good plan. So long as I get the bigger bedroom!"

"We'll flip for it"

"Deal" Jo responded, she smirked.

"Oh, come on, it's a trick!" Barton exclaimed. The group sat around in the living room, drinking and laughing. The current topic of conversation was how Thor was the only who could pick up the hammer. "Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Barton continued in a funny voice. "Whatever man it's a trick!"

"Please, be my guest" Thor invited, motioning towards the hammer.


"Yeah, come on"

"Alright," Clint stood up and walked over to the coffee table.

"Oh, this is gonna be beautiful"

"We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Tony joked.

"You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint grabbed the handle and pulled, but the hammer didn't budge. "I still, don't know how you do it!" Clint sighed in defeat.

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