♤Chapter 10♤

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Seungmin POV.
I still find it weird on why didn't Yunnie wear her nerd look even though I am happy for her that she decided not go hide herself anymore but why so sudden. No matter how hard me and Amanda tried to convince her but it doesn't work but why now she is changing herself? And why is she with Hyunjin hyung? I thought Hyunjin hyung hate Yunnie? Hyunjin hyung got together with Yunnie a few days ago and broke up with Tina a few days ago too.

What a coincidence is it? Hyunjin and Yunnie didn't come to school for a few days but came back to school together hand in hand. Before this, they have been acting weird too, Hyunjin didn't even bully Yunnie during that period of time and Yunnie have been avoiding him.

This is too much to be a coincidence~~If I asked them both separately, will they tell me the truth? I guess I will have to find out the truth without asking them.

"Guys it's weird that we didn't see Tina yesterday and today? " Jisung hyung asked and everyone except for Soo Yum and Hyunjin nodded

"I agreed~~She is always hang out at the locker area during morning but we didn't see there" Changbin Hyung said

"She tranfered school and she is moving away too" Jeongin said

"How did you know maknae? " Chan hyung asked

"She posted on her social media saying that she will moving away to New Zealand due to her parents job and she won't be coming back" Jeongin said

"That's great~Finally she is gone" I heard Hyunjin mumbled but it's loud enough for us to hear

"Do you really want her to be gone? " Minho asked

"Of course " Hyunjin scoffed

Just when we ate finished our food, the bell rang. We said our goodbyes to each other ,we went back to our individual classes and I walked behind the lovers since we are different classes.

<Time Skip>

No one POV.
School finally ended for the day and it was Friday, every students rushed out of the school ,going to hang out with their friends because it's TGIF.

[A/N:TGIF means Thank God It's Friday if you don't know]

While Hyunjin and Soo Yun are in his car, preparing to drive back home. After a while later, they are finally back home. Soo Yun dropped her bag on the floor and went to sit on the couch while Hyunjin did the same but he lay his head down on her lap.

"What are you doing? " Soo Yun asked

"Laying on peaches's mummy leg while listening to peaches in mummy's tummy " Hyunjin said he lean closer to her tummy

Suddenly Soo Yun's stomach started growling meaning that she is hungry and Hyunjin looked at her.

"Looks like peaches is hungry" Hyunjin said

"Hmph... All you think is about peaches ~~What about me? " Soo Yun pouted while folding her arms

Hyunjin got up from her lap and hugged her. But she still pouted acting like a small kid, Hyunjin thought it may be her mood swing since he started reading on things to take note during pregnancy.

"Jagi ah, you are important but peaches is important as well~~Peaches is still developing inside your tummy, it need to have more love " Hyunjin said as caressing her tummy

"You are so biased " Soo Yun continued to pout

"Okok let's not talk about that now, what do you want to eat? " Hyunjin asked

"Peanut butter and pickle sandwich" Soo Yun said

"Won't it taste weird? " Hyunjin asked

"No for me" Soo Yun said

"Alright wait a while, I will go make it' Hyunjin said as he got up to the kitchen

After 20 minutes, Hyunjin is finally done making their food.

"Jagi, the food is done" Hyunjin said and Soo Yun went over to the kitchen counter and got seated there

Hyunjin placed her place of sandwiches in front of her and she started munching on them while Hyunjin sat opposite her eating his ramen. While they are eating, Soo Yun suddenly asked Hyunjin a question.

"Oppa, have you thought whether you want a son or daughter? " Soo Yun asked and Hyunjin looked at her

"To be honest, I am fine with both because if I have a son, he will be future heir of my parent's company and he can be good-looking but if I have a girl, she can be as pretty as you" Hyunjin said

"If I have a son, I make sure that he won't ended up like you" Soo Yun said

"What wrong with me? " Hyunjin said

"Your Playboy problem" Soo Yun said

"Please~~I'm quitting that image to be a responsible boyfriend image" Hyunjin defend himself and Soo Yun laughed

"Hopefully " Soo Yun said

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