Walking On Thin Ice : Ch. 1

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You should have listened...You should have known better...You should have paid closer attention, thought a little harder. If you had, maybe you wouldn't be in this rather unpleasant predicament.

The heavy black sandy handcuffs were digging into the skin of your wrists and ankles from where you were bound. The large, cold metal cage you were locked in was made of the same material as the cuffs. And the cage was dangling-- rather high up, might I add -- above what looked to be an endless chasm of darkness below you. Every now and then, a sliver of movement would catch your eye, and you would cautiously scan your surroundings, hoping for all the world that whatever was moving in the shadows wasn't...Him.

When you could no longer sense any movement, you allowed your head to roll backward tiredly to rest against the cage's bars, your (h/c) hair sticking to your neck. (E/c) orbs slipped closed for a moment, and you tried your hardest to relax, knowing that the more you feared...the stronger He would get. You'd nearly managed to slow your rapid heartbeat...when suddenly--"Are we having fun yet?" Your eyes snapped open and your head whipped around at the silky smooth voice that echoed around you. A swift shadow passed over you and stopped just in front of you. And from it, a tall, dark figure emerged, golden eyes boring into your (e/c) ones."I don't remember you ever being this quiet..." The figure drawled. "Why have you stopped screaming?" You grit your teeth."Leave me alone." You bit back, trying to sound brave. But by the way the figure began to chuckle, you probably could have done better."Oh, that certainly is adorable. Trying to be strong? Still hoping they will come and find you?""They will." You snapped. "They're coming, and you'll be beaten just like before!" A slim gray hand emerged from the shadowy figure to grip your chin tightly. "Ah, yes, keep hoping. Keep believing." The figure spat, obviously trying to rile you up. "Isn't that what they always say? Believe?" The hand retreated."As far as I'm concerned, my dear...you have been believing...so, where are they? Hm?" The figure chuckled again as you sharply looked away. "Or have they all but forgotten you?""Quiet!" You yelled, refusing to believe his lies. "They would never forget me!"The figure made a shrugging motion, and began to dissipate. "Tell yourself that as many times as you need." It said mockingly. "As you were."And then the figure was gone. Gone from sight, at least. For you knew the shadow lingered everywhere in this world.You closed your tired (e/c) eyes once again, trying to recall the days before you were brought here.--- ~*~ ---It was snowing!After catching a glimpse of the white magic through your window, you'd lept eagerly out of bed and ran to press your face against the cool glass.It hardly ever snowed where you lived in (Name of Home town/city), so you were nothing less than ecstatic when the powder greeted you early that morning.You quickly flicked on your television to check the weather report. "Five feet of the white stuff, folks!" The weatherman said. "All schools in the district are closed for the day.""Yes!" You cheered, hopping about your room. You quickly ran to your bathroom and after a quick shower, brushing your teeth and combing your (h/l) (h/c) hair, you dashed to your closet and pulled out your winter clothes: A (f/c) hoodie and a pair of blue jeans. You wrapped a (second f/c) scarf around your neck and pulled on your favourite snow hat and winter boots. You quickly ran from your room and down the stairs."ByeMomImgoingtoplayinthesnowseeya!" You yelled as you ran out the door. Your mother, who was sitting quietly at the kitchen table sipping her coffee waiting until she heard the front door slam shut before sighing and shaking her head, a knowing smile on her lips.As soon as you stepped outside, the satisfying sound of snow crunching under your feet met your ears. You inhaled deeply and cast brilliant (e/c) orbs on the winter wonderland before you. You could see the children that lived in the neighbourhood playing around and having a rather intense snowball fight. You grinned and ran to join them."Hey guys!" You called once you were close enough. Only one of the children tore his attention away from the war to look over at you, big brown eyes widening and a smile breaking out on his young face."Hi, (Name)!" The boy called back, throwing his hands up to wave at you excitedly. "Guys, time out! (Name)'s here!"The other young ones ceased their snowball throwing to look over at you as well. Some of them waved, others sent you smiles. The brown eyed boy ran toward you and tackled you into a hug which you gladly returned, the both of you laughing loudly as you nearly fell backward."How are ya, Jamie?" You smiled down at the boy, ruffling his hair a bit. Jamie smiled up at you."(Name), (Name), look, I lost a tooth!" He said, showing you the spot where a pearly white tooth used to be. "It was so cool!"You chuckled at this. "Jamie Benett, how many teeth do you plan on loosing this year, Hm?" "But it wasn't my fault!" Jamie defended. "It was Jack's!" You looked up at the group of children who were waiting (rather impatiently) for you and Jamie to finish up so they could resume their game. You were looking for one of the children to claim the name "Jack", but none of them did. You looked back at Jamie."Who's Jack?" You ask curiously. Jamie stared at you a moment, confusion flashing in his eyes."Jack." He said again, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You know, Jack Frost." Your eyes widened.Jack Frost? Jack Frost knocked Jamie's tooth out?"O-oh, okay, I see!" You said, nodding as if you truly believed the boy. "Well, you and Jack should be more careful." Jamie frowned."...you don't believe in him, do you (Name)?" You felt your heart throb at the sadness in his voice.To be completely honest, you did believe in magical things, like The Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, even though you were 16. But, you've never seen any of them before. After a while, you just let them fade to the back of your mind. So maybe, you didn't believe."Hey, are we gonna keep going or what?!" One of the children called, snapping you from your trance. Jamie looked up at you."Do you wanna play with us, (Name)?" You looked down."Ah, sorry Jamie. Maybe a little later." You said, feeling quite down cast now. Jamie, his brown eyes saddened, sighed and nodded. "Okay, (Name). See you later then?" You hugged the boy once more before you let him go. He waved, a slight smile upon his lips as he returned to his game.You on the other hand, turned and bagan to walk toward the town. You kept your head down as you walked, becoming lost in your thoughts, Jamie's words still echoed in your head."You don't believe in him, do you (Name)?""Jack. You know, Jack Frost."You kept walking until you wound up in the woods just beyond the town. The snow had piled up high there it seemed and you contemplated turning around and simply heading home.But that's when you saw it.The Lake.So beautifully frosted over and tranquil. The intricate swirls of ice on ice looked as if someone had spent hours upon hours trying to make them look just right. You sigh dreamily as you walk forward, not minding the piled snow now. As you neared the lake, a breeze blew passed you, whipping your (h/c) locks around and causing you to stumble forward. Your left foot managed to make contact with the icy surface of the lake and you slid, your boot scuffing some of the frost."Hey!" Your head whipped around at the sound of a voice. "Hello?" You called out, attempting to stand, and only managing to scuff some more frost."Seriously, you're messing it up!" The voice came again, sounding quite angry. You were frightened now."Wh-what? What am I messing up?""My frost." The voice heaved. You were seriously thinking of high tailing it out of the woods and back to the town, but found yourself unable to. Something hooked in the hood of your hoodie, and you were lifted off the lake and into the air."Agh! H-help!" You shouted, flailing. "Help!!""Oh, relax, you'll be fine." The voice chuckled. You were set back down on your feet a safe distance away from the lake. You brushed yourself off, eyes roving your surroundings. You were set and ready to leave, but a rustling in the tree above you caught your attention. Looking up, you saw him, crouching on a tree branch. A teenaged boy with Snow White hair and electrifyingly blue eyes. His skin was awfully pale. He wore a deep blue hoodie with what looked to be-- for all the world -- ice forming around the collar and shoulders, rimming the cuffs and the pocket in the front. His slim legs were clad in brown trousers that looked rather tattered ar the edges. But most surprisingly, he wore no shoes. He held a long crooked staff in his right hand.Your eyes widened."Wh-who are you?" You asked, your voice unnaturally quiet. The boy stared you down for a few tense moments, before he jumped from the tree branch and landed right in front of you, causing you to yelp. He stepped forward, bright blue eyes boring into your (e/c) ones."Wait..." He said, narrowing his eyes and looking you up and down. "You can see me?" It was your turn to narrow your eyes."Y-yes. Is there as reason why I shouldn't be able to?" You ask, barely resisting the temptation to smack his hand away when he started waving it back and forth in front of your face. The boy seemed taken aback."Well, I mean...you...you're kinda old." He smirked. You gaped."How dare you!" You snarled. "Just who do you think you are?!"The boy chuckled and leaned against his staff."I think, therefore I am, Jack Frost." He bowed mockingly, a pearly white smile gracing his lips. "At your service."End of Chapter One.

Jack Frost imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora