Jack laughed. "I'm right in front of your eyes. Maybe you should open them, unless you're blind."

You fluttered your eyes a bit, thinking about the winter spirit appearing in front of you. It wasn't working. Were you doing something wrong? "I.. I still can't see you." You admit.

Jack sighed lightly. "Do you believe in me? You have to believe to see." His voice sounded a bit saddened. Did you believe? Your parents had told you years ago that Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Sandman, etc, were all fake. They had never said anything about Jack Frost being real or not though. This was starting to get slightly freaky. . . but interesting.

"I believe in you." You say with a soft smile, looking around once more.

That must have done the trick, because the next thing you knew. . thee Jack Frost was floating upside down, right in front of your face. He had a blue hoodie that had frost on it in occasional places. His blue eyes looking into your _____ colored eyes and his white hair, flowing down. You blushed from the closeness, looking right at him in awe. He was real. You quickly rubbed your eyes to see if it was your imagination messing with your head. It must not have been, because no matter what you did, Jack stayed.
"Wow.. This.. This is amazing!" You say happily, smiling at him excitedly.

He smirked, seeming to like your reaction to him. "Now that's more like it. But I gotta ask.. Why are you tossing my snow around?.. I work hard to make that you know. Why don't you play in it like the other kids?" He looked out and across the street. A couple of children were outside playing in the snow. You weren't exactly a 'kid' anymore. You laughed.

"I hate to admit it, but I don't like snow..." You admitted.

Jack looked at you like you were crazy. "What!?" He flew in front of you, facing you. "That's crazy."

You shrugged. "Not really.. It's cold.. and wet.." You bite your lip, hoping not to offend the Winter Spirit.

He frowned. "So? It's fun to play around in." He threw a snowball unexpectedly at your shoulder, his frown changing into an innocent smirk. You couldn't help but giggle, he looked really adorable with that smirk lighting up his face. "Hmm.. Maybe a little fun couldn't hurt." You grin, balling up some snow into the palm of your glove.

"Now that's more like it!" Jack's smirk changed into a look of determination. "But I'll warn you... I'm the master of snowball fights! Nobody can beat me." Within a few seconds, snowballs were being pelted at every inch of your body.

"Hey! No fair!" You shout, laughter mixed in with your voice. You run through the snow, balling up as many snowballs as you can, throwing them at Jack. Some of them miss and some of them he dodges. He was really skilled at this. You could tell he had been playing it for quite some time. By the time you both had finished your game of snowball fight, your winter coat was covered in white, your gloves were soaked from the snow; as well as your boots. You were laughing so much, having a lot of fun. You hadn't felt this way in a long time. Jack seemed to be having just as much fun. When you were just about to fall backwards into the snow, your mother opened the door in the garage.

"Shit.." You curse under your breath, you had gotten so caught up with Jack that you hadn't finished shoveling the driveway. "Jack, I'll be back!" You quickly called out to him, rushing to your mother at the door. How long had it been since you had come outside? There was no telling how much time you had left before your parents had to leave for their party.

When you stepped up to the door, you looked up at your mother who was carrying a tray with a cup of hot cocoa inside. They looked so warm and delicious. "Mm.." You smelled the fragrance that left the cup and released into the cold air. You could really go for a cup of that cocoa, it was still pretty cold outside. "Hey mum." You say, greeting her. She looks at you then out at the unfinished driveway and sighs. "_____, You didn't finish the driveway." She sounded slightly disappointed.

Jack Frost imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now