"Ready?" I smirked and took her hand. Instead of shaking it, I pulled her and won.

"No fair! That's cheating!" Bev stated

"No, it's not! I was simply continuing the game. There is not suppost to be any pauses."

"But we need to shake hands first! I was on tee! That's not fair!"

"How about Eddie tells us if it's fair" everyone turned to look at Eddie


"I think we have a new bill everyone!" Richie shouted.

"Beep beep Richie"

"So what do you think Eddie?" I said. Both Bev and I were staring intently at Eddie.

"I- uhh.."

"Quit putting pressure on the poor lovable nut! He doesn't deserve this harsh treatment!"

"Richie!" Eddie was close to screaming.

"Richie is right, it's just a game anyway!" Bev said

"Woah...." I was shocked

"What?" Richie said

"You were actually right about something for the first time in your life!" Richie held his middle finger at me as the whole group, including me, laughed.

Time skip

Bev and I were laying on rocks.

"I know you guys are looking." I Said, my head turned away from them. I already knew that they turned their heads away.

"News flash, Ben, schools out for the summah"

"Oh that? That's not for school."

"Who sent you this?" Richie said, smirking at bens card that I already knew was for Bev.

"No one" Ben said frantically, putting the card away.

"What's with the history project?" Richie asked taking out a black folder.

"Oh, well.." he start talking quieter so I couldn't make out what he was saying

"You went to the library, on purpose?" Richie said with a disgusted face.

"Cool! I wanna see!" Bev smiled and ran to sit next to bill. I went to sit next to Eddie. Eddie blushed and I smiled.

"What's the black spot?" Bev asked

Eddie started mumbling some facts about the black spot.

"Woah Eddie! I didn't know you were so educated!" I smiled at Eddie and he blushed. I took his hand and started tracing shapes on it. He turned even more red.

"Y-y-you're hair.." Bev looked at bill expectant

"Your hairs beautiful" Ben said.

"Oh, thank y-" I groaned in annoyance interrupting her. Everyone looked at me.

"What?" Everyone The went back to talking about "history"

"Why's it all murders and missing kids?" Richie asked, looking through the folder.

"Derry's never been like anything I've been to before. I did a study once and it turns out people die or disappear 6 times the national average" Ben said

"You read that?" Bev asked

"Of course he did! Otherwise how would he know?" I facepalmed

"And that's just grownups, kids are way worse." Ben said, changing the topic, seeing bev's frown towards me. "Way, way worse. I've got more stuff, if you wanna see it"

I looked at Eddie and saw him shaking his head.

"Eddie, I'll come with you and protect you the whole time" I told him. He kept shaking his head

"And I'll hold your hand the whole time." He was debating with himself but then finally agreed.

The we were off to ben's house.

Future Girl //// Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now