◆07◆ In a field of blue

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Toma drove her to a fast food drive thru because she said she wanted to have an ice cream before going home. She felt like having a sundae and he promised her one. 

"You're very smiley right now." Toma pointed out, is it really such a good day?" 

"Of course!" Michiyo nodded with a smile, "We're dating~." 

He really liked how full of happiness she was being. He liked her like this the best, when she's happy without a care in the world. 

"Are you really that happy that we're dating? I mean, you've recently turned single." 

"But I feel like I've been in love with you for a long time." 

"...is that so?" 


Toma blushed and he changed the subject. "Is...is it just me or is the line holding up?" 

Michiyo thought so as well. She looked ahead to see there was a man standing in front of the first drive thru's window. Why was he in the way? Was he a driver?

"Holy crap! Is he beating that car's bonnet with a cane?!" Toma had no idea what the man was doing. He made his window go down, "Sir, you are committing damage to personal property, you can get a fine or community service or jail at this rate!" 

The man was saying something incoherent. He looked like he was going to go for Toma's car next because he was breaking everyone's headlights. Toma couldn't reverse backwards because there was another car, another car behind it, and then another car. They were blocked on both ways. 

Michiyo saw the man was coming closer to Toma's car. She took out her seat belt and went to confront the man. 


She went to confront the man. Where did this bravery come from? God knows, but she couldn't let Toma's car get damaged by some idiot with a cane. "Sir, you need to stop what you are doing!" 

"What's it to you?!" The man shouted, "You want me to turn on you?!" 

"Stop shouting at me-" 

"This is a free country! I can do whatever I want, when I want!" 

"It's called law, you can't just damage properties just because you feel like it. Please get out of the way and let us go and get our sundae and go home." 

The man drunkenly slurred his words. This really irritated Michiyo for some reason. 

"Fuck you, bitch!" The man spat at her but his attempt to spit in a drunken state ended up with him dribbling back on himself. 

"Move out of the way!" Michiyo snapped, clearly hangry, which was a combination of hungry and angry at the same time. 

"Or what?!" 

"I'll break your face!" 

'Did she just perform a roundhouse kick to his face?!' Toma's mouth was hung open because of what he had just saw. "Michiyo?!" 

"Ah. He's down...oi! You better get back up again! Don't you pretend to faint!" 

"Michiyo, get back in the car!" 

In the end, they got their sundae and Michiyo was let off with a light warning. Michiyo was happy to have her sundae. 



"That roundhouse kick..." 

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