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Laurel sat on her bed, tears streamed down her face. She watched as one of the tears fell from her face, and landed on her comforter. She shivered, and wrapped her arms around herself.

She felt absolutely helpless, and she wanted to be alone. Oliver had been hovering over her all day, and it was so bad that she wanted to hit him.

She had just recently lost her sister, again, and she felt like her emotional state couldn't handle the grief again.

First Tommy, now Sara (again).

Her father didn't know about Sara. Laurel was stressed about her father finding out, and she knew he would immediately blame her.

She partly blamed her father for her always feeling helpless.

When Sara died the first time, he would always go off and get drunk, and Laurel had to drag him out of that bar.

Sara was always the favorite.

Laurel was always second to her.

She was sick of it.

She wanted to run away, she wanted to escape.

Escape her father, Oliver, her life here in Starling City.

She wanted, no needed to start over.

That's what she decided to do.

She wrote a note and left it on her kitchen table for anyone to find.

Dear whoever is reading this,
I'm leaving Starling City, and most likely never coming back.
I need to escape.
I need to start over.
Start a new life.

She packed a bag, and opened the door to her apartment. Before leaving, she turned, and gazed at her old home once more. "I'll miss you." She murmured before closing the door.

This is it.

This is the start of Laurel Lance's new life.

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