I'm going to go to the same school as Yuki? Now I'm gonna get to be around him almost all the time!

"But isn't true cross some kind of prestigious fancy expensive school? How am I affording this?" I asked.

"You're not, I'm paying for you to be here. I'm the head master so the money would mostly come back to me."

"Really? That's nice of you." He smirked. "But I'm not a smart person, how am I gonna make it around here?"

"Mm, I'll sign you up for easier classes."

I nodded.

"Oh, and there are some rules. The fangs, and pointed ears can be explained, even leave your tail out of you wish, but absolutely no blue flames. No one is to know you're the son of Satan. That means no drawing your sword in front of others. Oh, and people are not to know about your mother, or it will be easy to figure out who you are." I nodded again. "Your classes don't start until next week, but cram school starts today after school."

"Cram school?"

"You're exorcist classes. They start today. Well, I'm off to the assembly. There is no need for you to go." He said some words I don't understand and looted away in a cloud of purple smoke. I coughed and fanned it away.

Assembly, huh?


"This years class representative, Yukio Okumura." Everyone was clapping for him. I overheard some girls talking about how smart and cute he was. Which made me feel a twinge of jealousy. Yukio is mine!

Class rep? Yukio is so smart! He must be even smarter than I thought to be class rep! Yukio's gonna be a doctor some day, I just know it.


Mephisto gave me a special key and told me that it would be wise to never loose it. So I kept it on a key chain. I used it to open up a random door, when I walked inside I was in this really huge hallway. It was decorated and looked very fancy. True cross is a really cool place. I'm not gonna last a week....

I walked up to the class room, this was the place Mephisto told me to go, I think.
I walked inside.
There weren't that many people in this classroom. Maybe this class isn't too popular. There was three boys sitting near the back. One who was small and nerdy looking. His head was shaved, he wore glasses and looked very fragile. Like china glass, if china glass were a person.

There was another boy sitting on the desk. He had pink hair and brown eyes. He was laughing about something but stopped when he saw me.
There was this other boy sitting next to the nerdy frigile one. He had a blonde streak in his hair, piercings and tough look on his face. He looks really badass. And handsome, but I'm with Yuki. 

There was a girl with purple hair, red eyes and funny looking eyebrows. She was sitting next to another girl with short brown hair.

There was another girl sitting behind them with short blonde hair, she was wearing a kimono. She had a sweet smile on her face, she looked nice.

There was this other kid with blonde hair and a puppet. He kinda freaks me out...

Everyone's eyes were on me.

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