Welcome to Santa Carla

Start from the beginning

Trying to straighten out the shirt, Sammy walked out to the top of the stairs. Mike was talking to the "Old Fart" on and on about the supposed murder capital of the world. Grandpa had told them only to reserve that title for special occasions. Sammy peered over the stairs, trying to hone in on their conversation.

"Well, let me put it this way, Michael. If all the corpses buried here was to stand up all at once, we would have one hell of a population problem."

"But if that were the case, wouldn't more people be out looking for these missing kids? There were a bunch of posters down on the pier, Grandpa." Sammy chimed in from the top of the stairs. Michael nodded in agreement. Honestly, Sammy could care less. I mean, come on! Santa Carla, the murder capital of the world? -That kind of news would make headlines! Someone call the National Inquirer!

After unpacking, Sammy had trouble staying awake. The afternoon was creeping along, and she was so tired of moving boxes here and there, moving them when her mom found the perfect spot. That wasn't the worst of it though; Mike had brought his weights with him, and boy were they heavy. She slowly crept back to her room, kicking off her shoes, and plopped on the freshly made bed. Scooting towards the window, she cracked it open for some much needed ventilation, and before she knew it, she found her way to the pillows. They looked so inviting, and after all of the driving and unpacking, sleep came easy.


Knock knock

Knock knock


Knock knock

"Samantha?" The sun was gone by the time that Lucy came up to check on her daughter, only to find her fast asleep on top of her covers. She leaned over the bed to close the window, the breeze picking up in the afternoon. The noise was enough to have Sammy stir, and after rubbing away the sleep from her eyes, she could focus on her mom.

"Well, good morning, sweetheart." Her mom spoke in the sing-song voice she used to joke. "I hope you're hungry, there's pizza downstairs, and I know that Michael is hungry." Sammy nodded, sitting up and rubbing her cold legs. "And he said something about heading into town! Maybe you'd like to join him." Her mom hinted.

"Thanks for the heads up, I'd love that." Sammy stood up, moving over to a box filled with her pants, and brought out a pair of jeans. "What do you plan on doing, Mom?"

"Well, I suppose I'll have to start looking for a job sooner than later. I'll check out the shops, but I'll try to catch up with Grandpa before I head out." Her mom smiled, and walking to the door, she stopped, turning back once more. "Hey Sammy?"

"Hm?" She hummed, turning to wait for her mom to continue.

"I know that it's been tough, with the divorce and all, but I really think you're going to like it here. Santa Carla has really grown into its own, and I hope you feel comfortable when you're...growing into your own." She paused "I know it's been some time, but I'd love to help with your makeup, your hair, if you plan on going down to the boardwalk!"

"Mom, it'll be okay, I really don't need-"

"Come on, it'll be fun. We'll have some girl time, just like we used to." Sam looked up to her mom, whose expression was quickly breaking. To shine some light, Lucy had always wanted a daughter. She had always wanted the little girl to dress up, shine her brightest, look her best. Unfortunately, as Samantha had gotten older and her marriage fell apart, she pushed her kids away. She was hell bent on fixing the marriage, and seeing her mother in such a state, even far away from their dad, was unnerving. She caved.

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