The death of the Dursleys

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AN- If you don't like torture (I have a dark mind) then don't read the chapter you can skip it but just bear in mind the Dursley's except Dudley are now dead. Dudley was found out to be the son of a dark family and Harry has taken him with him to Gringotts for them both to be inheritance tested. This chapter is only here because I wanted to kill the Dursley's evilly and torture them.

Harry's POV

Oooh, I could feel the shudder going down my spine, the prospect of killing those pigs and the horse was invorgrating! My mind rushed with the ideas of the torturous affair. I grabbed my wand and stalked downstairs because they forgot to lock my door.

I watched them on the stairs for a minute and they were watching TV. Strictly Come Dancing to be infact. I pulled out my wand and quietly crept towards them. I had found a way to break the trace on my wand some time ago and it has been VERY useful. I cast a quick Notice-me-not charm on myself and entered the living room. 

I figured they couldn't see me at all because no body acknowledged my presence, not that they ever did anyway, and moved to the back of Vernon's armchair. I paralysed him first so he didn't scream but neither Petunia or the mini-whale noticed. I walked to the back of Dudley's chair and did the same, and then took off the spell and looked at Petunia. She screamed. "WHY ARE YOU IN HERE FREAK?! YOU ARE NOT PART OF THIS FAMILY! YOU SHOULD BE IN YOUR ROOM!" I cast the cruciatus curse onto her and she fell to the floor. She screamed bloody murder before falling unconscious. 

I crept to Vernon's chair and moved around it. I was now facing him head on. First I broke his nose, the Muggle way, and then I cast a spell that would make him suffer as much pain as he has had to me. I watched in satisfaction as all of his ribs broke and remembered that he was still under petrificus totalus so I removed it quickly. I cast a silencing spell on the room to stop anyone hearing his cries of agony. Oh how I relished in the pain. Towards the end though, the cuts and burns were still going strong, but he was no longer screaming, just biting his lip or grinning maliciously at me. This must have been the time when I was 7 and I stopped feeling the pain. He got up from the armchair but I was quicker and used the cutting curse on his eyes. He screamed and fell to the floor. I took off the curse and inspected my handy work. The cuts and burns looked exactly like mine and it was sickening really. The curse had also done something rather... Unusual. I watched for a moment as it slowly wore off. The curse had caused him to look... Starved. The fat was going and he looked like a slightly less like a whale and more like a mildly overweight dolphin. I enjoyed looking at this but had to tear my eyes away to work on Dudley.

The mini whale was still paralyzed so I took it off. I had always suspected something to be a little bit off about him. I'm going to try something. Finite Incantatem! I shouted and it hit Dudley Square in the chest. Immediately he lost all that bulk and was down to a rather skinny but muscly build, his hair became long, black and silky to replace his greasy blonde counterpart and his face became much more aristocratic.

I immediately knew who this was. This was the long lost son of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. They had been looking for their son for years and could never find him. They are going to be so pleased when they find out.

Dudley's POV

I had always known something wasn't right. From when I was forced to hit poor Harry, I didn't want to but something was making me do it. I didn't feel like I had control of my own body and I act like a spoiled brat. Petunia and Vernon are not my parens. Never were and never will be. I will never be like them.

When Harry muttered that spell I felt something was over me. I immediately felt like me again. I felt much lighter now I have gotten rid of that unsightly bulk and that horrible hair that never seemed to get clean. My nose became sharper and my cheekbones more defined. I absolutely loved my new hair the most though. It was a deep rich blue-black with a single streak of snow white. And my favourite thing is that it is down to my waist. I was wearing a simple black robe that didn't show off my feminine build too much and a pair of black DM boots.

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