Part 2: The Mindset of A thot

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All right ladies here's your first lesson" said the instructor. There was a man sitting in the chair, he slowly started to pull down his sweatpants. All right who's brave enough to step into the world of thot? he said. Four of the Ten left on that very day, now it was left down to me and the other five girls. “Well who's going, we don't have all day"! he screamed at us but something inside me changed, my hand shot into the air and as I said with a huge smile on my face “I volunteer as tribute"! Wait a minute that's not the right story you tryna get me sued? “This is my story I say what I want Mr.Narrator". She approached the man with full embrace of her thotness, she swallowed, deep throated and enjoyed every minute of it. It was that day that she became a full blown thottie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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