"Were waiting on Kamren." I said. "Go get the towels."

Kai and Jacob ran upstairs as Ariana sat by me. "Daddy?"

I looked at her. "Yeah baby?"

"Who is your crush?"

"Your mother" I laughed. "Who's your crush?"

She shrugged. "You don't know him, he's in my class."

I scrunched my eyebrow. "Wait a second I was being sarcastic, you like a boy?!"

Kamren raced through the door with

His swim trunks on and a beach towel around his arm. "I'm ready!"

She looked at me. "We will talk about this later."

Kai and Jacob ran back downstairs. "Come on daddy!" Kai whined.

I stood up from the couch, "Let's go."

We all took the elevator to the basement, I never let the kids go alone because we live in a big house and if I can't find them they'll be lost for about two days. It happened before.

When we got off the elevator, Jacob and Kamren immediately did a cannon ball into the pool. Kai and Ari tried to be all proper by getting in the jacuzzi.

"If you guys need me or are ready to get out just call me Ari, okay?"

She nodded. "Okay bye daddy."

I waved bye and went back on the elevator upstairs.

Rayan (later that night)

I was in the backyard, shooting a couple shots just to get my mind off of things, today me and Jacole had a huge argument. Over peanut butter, see how she stresses me out?

She got mad because I said crunchy peanut butter was better than regular peanut butter.


I jumped up and turned around, news reporters and paparazzi's began surrounding me.

"When will you and Bosh stop bumping heads?"

"How's your wife and kid?"

"Are you going to the Super Bowl?"

I sighed deeply. "When he stops being gay, they're okay, and I don't fuck with football dumbass."

I started walking back into the house, I was being stopped by reporters.

"Can y'all move?!" I shouted.

"After you answer our one question." A lady said. "What are the fans waiting for?"

"This dick." I scoffed. "Now move."

I slid pass and went inside the house, I locked the door and went straight to my room. We have like a 12 bedroom mansion and me and Jacole have separate rooms, I got in the shower and washed my hair.

After that I put on my black sweats and black Nike shirt, I put my hair in a sloppy bun and walked downstairs. Jacole was preparing dinner and China was on her phone.

"Always on that phone girl." I laughed.

She glared at me. "Nothing else to do."

"Oh come on Chi!" I groaned. "We have a movie theatre, pool, basketball court, tennis court, golf center, play room and so much more!"

"What does that mean?" She asked with a attitude.

I snatched her phone. "It means you need to be active." I put her phone in my pocket. "You'll get it back when I see some improvements."

Faith (THIRD BOOK TO GRINDING W/ YOU)Where stories live. Discover now