DWMA Enrollment

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Hello! If you would like to enroll in the DWMA please fill in the Student Application...

Full Name:

Occupation (Weapon or Meister):


Birth Date:

Have you found a Weapon or Meister yet?:

Once you've filled it in, please send it to me (through PM or in the comments) and I will check it out! Thank you!

Update! Please only fill out the form in this section only~! Arigato minna~!

[If you are a cannon account, and you want to join, you will already be a EAT student, and all you need to do is have a account based on that character.]

*Another thing. You may not be both a weapon and a meiser as one person. And remember to fill in the birthdate please! Also the year. If you don't we will be filling the year out as 2000*

And remember to comment in our UPDATE section in the book if you are going to participate in the EAT tournament!!

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