- 8 - my adorable sweet heart

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David had to fall asleep on Daniel. He was so sweet as he snuggles into Daniel.
Daniel chuckled and smiled at him. Max came into the room and speeds past. He growled under his breath. "Max what did you say?" Daniel said with a stern happy like voice. He had his eyes locked on max. "Go fuck yourself you fucking cultist," Max said in a higher tone. "Max, why do you hate me so much. Can you just forgive?" Daniel said with a smile. "YOU TRIED TO KILL THE CAMP!" Max yelled before running to his room.

Daniel got up without waking David up. He went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. It was for David to show that he cares for him.
It was sweet.

Once the coffee was made, David walked in with messy hair and a lovely kind smile. Daniel smiled back and gave him the cup of coffee. "Thank you, Daniel." He sat at the table and drank a little bit. "How was your nap?" Daniel leaned against the bench. "Good! I had a sweet dream about a field and a lot of flowers." David chirped. "Nice, how you had fun there," Daniel said looking down at his feet. Knowing he will never end up in a place like that. David got up from his seat and walked to him. "What's wrong?" He asked wrapping his arms around Daniel's neck. He wrapped him around his waist. David laid his soft lips on Daniel's, softly. They held each other closer.

Daniel moved away from the kiss and looked into David's eyes. "Dreams like those means good luck and a happy life." (idk) daniel said with a smile. "I already have a happy life. I work at camp Campbell and I have you and I look after Max. Life can't be better." David smile for the thing that he had. "I have all I wanted, you~" Daniel chuckled. "Drink your coffee and dance with me." He then said with a purr. David did that with a smile.

Daniel put some slow music on and took david by the hand and they started to slowly dance with the beat of the song. They were look each others eyes and it became a little contest. Daniel spun David around and then held him to his arms. It was so romantic and overall cute. They had alot of fun being together and their feet got tangled up with each other, making them fall. They laughed and daniel got to david lips. He kissed him passionately. David melted into the kiss. It was a heated kisses the took a few minutes before david pulled away. "Your my adorable sweet heart~" daniel purred and got up off david. They blushed and continued there day with being in the back yard. It was small but cute. It had few flowers hiding into the long grass. They had a fun just watching the clouds go by.

Later they had a hot bath together without the boxers on. They both where embarrassed at frist but once they were in that bath they talked about stuff. Daniel squeezed david butt and he moaned out daniels name. You could say it was steamy. (Haha get it because they are in a hot bath and daniels trying to get some 18+ stuff. Im sorry I'll leave.)

David had blushed and got out of the bath. "Awww sweet heart~" daniel purred. "I had a nice bath now I need to other stuff... have a nice bath." David dried him self and got clothes on before rushing out with his hole face covered in red blush. "Ok, my cutie~" daniel chuckled and lay back do in the bath.

After a few minutes, daniel got out and got dried, then dressed. He walked into david room to david playing his guitar. He was playing a soft melody. So daniel joint in with his violin. He play the same type of notes that the same time with David and it was beautiful. David smiled and looked at daniel. They were still playing put looking at each other. David stopped and put his guitar back where it sits. Daniel slowly stop and puts his violin away in its cass. "You enjoyed that?" David asked, sitting back down on the bed. Daniel got the bed and smiled. "Yeah we sounded great together." (And would in a different meaning if you what I mean.) Daniel said blushing a bit.


Does anyone want lemon or not? Up to you guys. Sorry about the slow updates.

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