A waitress finally came and took everyone's order.

"What would you like to order today?" She asked nicely looking at me.

" 4 pieces of mozzarella sticks , and 8 boneless honey BBQ wings with Cherry cola on the side." I told her, kind of stuttering but hopefully nobody noticed. As she went away, Luqman faced me.

" Why are you so quiet, Mariam. This was the only time you talked". He asked me. Everyone then faced me in silence.

I awkwardly smiled and just looking around the restaurant for answer like it was gonna give me then I finally said "I don't know". I was pretty far from where all the conversations were happening so everyone stood up and sat near me. So I was in the middle of everyone. Layla and Mohamed on my side, and Lina, Luqman, and Ahmed in front of me.

Everyone started talking again but with me. I eventually gotten very comfortable with everyone and started making conversation and mohamed was out here making everyone laugh, I broke out a coupe of my ugly laughs today, he was that funny.

Finally our food came, I dove into the mozzarella sticks, they were so delicious. Everyone began eating and talking. I was so comfortable with everyone and everything until I felt eyes on my back. It was burning eyes starting right into me. I didn't want to turn around because I was finally having a great time.

I decided to turn around and met eyes with Zayn. He didn't even bother turning away. I turned my head back and continued eating. What does this guy want from me?

Everyone finished their food , and walked outside. I peeped Lina wearing Luqman's Northface and they were holding hands. They are too cute.

" Yo, it's pretty early, we should go to that one park nearby and roast some s'mores." Ahmed suggested.

" I'm down , " I said standing next to him. "I'm going in your car by the way, my brother's friends are too much ." I told him. He nodded and me, him, and mohamed went into his car to meet everyone there.

I ended up sitting next to Mohamed. He is too kind and hilarious. I kind of admire him a bit but nothing too big. He was 6,3, his skin was tanned, one dimple on his chin that only shows when he smiles and triangular jawline that you just wanna trace with your fingers. Is that creepy? I think so. He had curly/wavy brown hair that falls over his hairline. He is very fit too, lean muscle nothing too bulky. If I'm not mistaken , I think he has a thing for me as well. Hopefully. From what I know, he is half somali half yemeni.

" Guys, we're gonna make a stop at 7/11 real quick I gotta buy some gas." Ahmed said as he pulled over into the gas station. Here in California, there's like 1000 7/11s. Ahmed had left the car to get the gas. I want to tell mohamed I like him because I feel too bold right now. He turned to faced to me and he began talking first.

" Mariam, now that we are alone, I wanna tell you that I like you a lot and I wanna get to know you better if that's okay with you?" He confessed. I smiled and thought my heart was going to burst. I opened my mouth but no words came out. I closed it again and grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. Eye contact is everything.

Then why does Zayn keep looking at you?

I ignored that thought. " I wanna get to know you too". I said quietly looking down at our hands. I finally looked up and he smiled exposing his dimple and caressed my hand with his thumb. We talked for a bit until Ahmed came into the car. He was still holding my hand and Ahmed peeped it.

" Okay, well now, I'm going to have to cuff Layla because everyone is dating now." He said. We all laughed at him and started listening to music.

We finally made it into the park and Layla and Lina were helping Ahmed and Luqman gather up wood for the fire we would be making. Me and Mohamed sat on the grass just talking about life.

" So what do you spend your time doing?"He asked me, he was laying on the grass staring off into the sky.

" I sometimes study a lo-" Mohamed sat up.

"No, not anything having to do with grades and all like what keeps you up at night?" He interrupted.

" Oh well , I write sometimes, but it's mostly personal right now." I said to looking at my hands.

He looked at me funny. He doesn't seem very convinced.

" Give time your arm ". I demanded. He gave me his arm looking very confused , and I ran my finger softly down his arm to his pulse on his wrist. I felt his goosebumps. We then both looked up at each other.

" Ahh, so you like to get people's attention?" He smiled. I felt myself blush and look at my hands again.

" I can't help it".

Her Best Mistake (Muslim Love story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum