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Adam and I made amends that day even though I promised myself that I wasn't going to let him touch me or get close to heart belonged to Brian and Brian alone. I didn't have his phone number memorized and Kenna had started back at school so I wasn't able to explain to her what was going on and ask her for his number...I felt completely cut off from the Haner family and it ate away at my soul. My anxiety was high and emotions were out of control so much that I was sick almost daily from it, Adam sensed my unease one day and suggested I go to the doctor for something. "At least something to take when your anxiety really gets out of control" he murmured softly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear one day while we were walking down the beach. "Yea maybe" I muttered sadly, looking down at my feet as we walked side my side, his hand in mine. "Hey isn't that Syn's wife?" he stated suddenly, an edge to his voice. I felt my blood run cold as I looked up as I watched her exit a high-priced salon, her hair a new hue as she snapped her gum angrily while yelling into the phone. I was hoping she would walk in the opposite direction but no such luck, she headed down the sidewalk right towards us.

"Well, well, well...look what the cat drug in" she stated in a venomous tone, her eyes like daggers on me as we faced off. "Whoa is that really necessary?!" Adam stated defensively as he pulled me into him. She snapped her attention to him momentarily before putting on a nasty smile. "Oh, it's totally necessary when this little WHORE thinks she can seduce my husband away from me." God bless Adam for coming to my rescue. "I think we've heard enough from your mouth" he bit out, taking my hand tightly in his as he started leading me away but Monique kept after us. "Did she tell you that she tried throwing herself at my husband numerous times? That she flaunted her shit like a slut does whenever he was around? Did she tell you that?!" Adam whipped around, shoving me behind him as he squared off with her and began yelling. "I never once saw her act like anything like that! You however seem to forget how you threw yourself at me on New Year's Eve didn't you?! Trying to rub your slutty ass body against mine and telling me that you could show me a good time! NOW WHO'S THE SLUT?! YOU'RE A FUCKING TRAMP AND SYN IS A FUCKING IDIOT FOR BEING MARRIED TO A COCK HUNGRY WHORE LIKE YOU!" Both Monique and I were both so stunned by Adam's outburst that we were both quiet. "Ashley let's go" he stated softly, turning to me and kissing my forehead as he led me away.

"Thank you, Adam," I whispered softly once we were back in my apartment. "Baby you don't have to thank me for anything. There was no way I was going to let her talk to you that way." I cringed inwardly when he called me 'baby', only Brian could call me that! We sat on the couch and attempted to watch a movie but my mind just wasn't in heart was aching and I wanted Brian...Brian who I hadn't seen in almost 3 weeks now and it was killing me. I heard my phone vibrate, jumping like someone shocked me as I scrambled for it. My face fell a little as I saw Kenna's name pop up on the screen...I was hoping it had been Brian but I should have known better. He was forcing this separation even though it killed us both.


I frowned at my phone as I replied that I had no intention of backing out...but how did she know about Adam? Duh Ashley, Brian probably told her everything! I sighed as I sat back down next to Adam, telling him about the invite this weekend. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean what if Syn shows up with his wife?" I gritted my teeth against the urge to correct him...Brian you idiot! He was first and foremost Brian to me and nothing else but of course Adam saw him as Synyster Gates. "Kenna says they won't be there" I stated in a dead pan voice...I so wanted to see Brian, just to be in the same vicinity as him would help ease this hurt in my gut.

I spent the rest of the week working my ass off at Johnny's, trying to keep my mind busy and off of Brian but in the wee hours of the morning, before the sun crested into the sky I cried into a pillow for the one person I needed. I had a photoshoot the day before the pool party at the Haner household and while I posed as I was told my heart just was not in it and I dragged my feet outside, only to find Adam waiting for me. "I thought I would walk my girl home" he stated with a smile as he took my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. We had only made it two blocks when Adam squeezed my hand "Potential bitch alert" he hissed through his teeth, his body taking a defensive stance next to me. I searched the crowd of people for a clue to what he meant when I felt the air kicked right from my lungs. BRIAN! My mind screamed his name happily and it took everything in me to not lunge over to him. "He looks pretty pissed" Adam whispered as we got closer to him, he had on dark shades and I wasn't entirely sure he had spotted us. "Hey Syn" Adam stated evenly, giving him a small smile as we stood within a few feet of each other. "Hey guys...I'd love to stay and chat but I'm on my way to an appointment. Nice seeing you two." His voice was so worn out and monotone that I felt my throat close and burn with the promise of tears...he was as miserable as I was as I watched him walk away defeatedly. The only comfort I took in seeing him was that his wedding ring was absent and the watch I had given him was on his wrist. "Well wasn't he just a perky ray of sunshine?" Adam scoffed at Brian's back. I immediately felt my hackles rise and I jerked my hand from his grip. "What's the matter Ash?" utter confusion crossed his face and I almost lit into him for saying that but I remembered what Brian told me...Monique had to think we were together so she didn't suspect anything.

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